[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]1. What kind of quality should an interpreter have? 口译员应该具备怎样的素质? [00:06.11]2. I am calling to inquire the position of English interpreter. 我想询问一下英语口译职位的情况。 [00:09.20]3. My major is English Translation and Interpretation. 我的专业是英语翻译与口译。 [00:14.43]4. How long have you been in this field? 你在口译这一行做多久了? [00:19.02]5. He should be well-equipped with English language and culture, modest, experienced and have good manners. 应该对英语语言和文化都很熟悉,为人谦虚,经验丰富,很有修养。 [00:28.14]6. It takes time and perseverance to achieve that goal. 达到这一目标需要时间和毅力。 [00:33.34]7. Therefore,an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he/she serves as an interpreter. 因此口译员必须懂得他/她所服务的领域的专业知识。 [00:42.08]8. I once served as an interpreter for a delegation from South Africa. 我曾为一个南非代表团做口译。 [00:47.21]9. I am an English major, and it is the best job which can demonstrate my ability and realize my potential. 我是个英语专业的学生,口译最能体现我的能力并发挥我的潜力。 [00:54.23]10. I have been an interpreter since I graduated from university in 2000. 我从2000年大学毕业就开始做口译了。 [00:59.26]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:00.00]Hello, this is Garry Zhao. I am calling to inquire the position of English interpreter. 你好,我是赵加里。我想询间一下英语口译职位的情况。 [01:08.59]Well, it is still open. Where did you graduate from. 嗯,现在还在招聘。你是哪个学校毕业的? [01:13.21]I graduated from the Beijing Foreign Studies University. My major is English Translation and Interpretation. 我是北京外国语大学毕业的,专业是英语翻译与口译。 [01:20.17]It sounds great. I will arrange an interview tomorrow. Can you come tomorrow? 听上去不错。我明天给你一个面试机会,你能来吗? [01:26.09]Yes, I can. Thank you so much. 好的,我可以。非常感谢, [01:28.04]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:28.20]What characteristics should an interpreter own? 口译员应该具备条怎样的素质? [01:34.42]I think he should be an expert of everything. 应该是个杂家,什么都懂。 [01:36.55]Why is that? 为什么? [01:39.23]Because English is nothing but a tool 因为英语只是一个交流的工具, [01:41.23]which is used when people may negotiate in international conferences, probe into physics, 人们用它在国际会议上谈判、 研究物理、 [01:46.55]release some information in a press conferrence ,and do anything we can do with language. 在记者招待会上发布消息,做一切语言可以做的事情。 [01:52.38]Therefore, an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he/she serves as an interpreter. 因此口译员必须懂得他/ 她所服务的领域的专业知识, [01:59.05]Otherwise he/she can not carry out his/her work smoothly. 否则无法顺利开展工作。