[00:00.32]To Japan now. 下面来看日本消息。 [00:07.21]That's the ceremony in the city of Nagasaki where 69 years ago today the US dropped an atomic bomb. 69年前的今天,美国向日本长崎投下了一颗原子弹。 [00:14.02]And the mayor of Nagasaki Tomihisa Taue has sparked some controversy at the ceremony. 在今天的纪念仪式上,长崎市长田上富久引发了争议。 [00:19.12]In front of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Mr. Taue said 田上当着首相安倍晋三的面, [00:21.57]that the government had reinterpreted the Japanese Constitution to give the military more scope to engage in enemy. 称日本政府对“和平宪法”进行了重新解读,使其更具军国主义色彩。 [00:29.17]In debates over the right to collective defense, 在集体防御权的问题上, [00:34.34]different opinions have been raised regarding the country's principle of national security. 基于国家安全原则的不同观点之间展开了争论。 [00:40.35]We strongly urge that the Japanese government come face to face with these concerned people and listen to their voices. 我们强烈要求日本政府和相关民众进行面对面的交流,倾听他们的声音。 [00:49.04]I heard more from our Asia Pacific editor Michael Bristol. 本台亚太编辑Michael Bristol详细报道。 [00:52.29]It reveals a split within Japanese society between those who are supporting Shinzo Abe 这个事件表明日本社会之间存在分裂的局面,一边是安倍的支持者, [00:57.22]and those who believe that they should adhere to principle which the Japanese have adhered to 另一边则认为日本应该坚持 [01:03.35]ever since 1945, ever since those two atomic bombs fell all on Japan. 自1945年两颗原子弹爆炸后所认定的原则, [01:08.31]And that is the renunciation of war. 即战争结束后所认定的原则。 [01:10.58]What Shinzo Abe and his cabinet agreed last month was to basically give the military, agree to free them to act. 上个月安倍和他的内阁同意给予军队自由行动的权利。 [01:18.08]It might be called a more assertive defense policy perhaps, but what is public opinion behind Shinzo Abe? 这也许可以称作更加独断的国防政策,但安倍身后的舆论是怎样的呢? [01:23.38]It splits really, because many people as I said want Japan to continue of its principles it's adhered since the Second World War, 舆论呈两极化,因为正如我所说,许多人都希望日本继续坚持二战后的原则, [01:31.56]but others point out that Japan has to react to that changing reality. 但另外一些人指出日本必须积极应对正在发生变化的现实。 [01:35.59]And now itself has to become more assertive. 现在,日本必须有自己的判断, [01:38.04]It can't rely on the Americans to simply defend Japan. 而不能单纯依赖美国的保护。 [01:41.19]Japan has to do it for itself. 日本必须为自己打算。 [01:43.17]That was our Asia Pacific editor Michael Bristol. 本台亚太编辑Michael Bristol报道。 [01:47.03]40 years ago today, President Nixon did what no American President had ever done. He resigned. 0年前的今天,尼克松总统作出了任何一届美国总统都没有做过的事情,他辞职了。 [01:53.09]It's all started with the break-in at the Democratic National Committee's Headquarters, at the Watergate Office Complex. 4起因是尼克松的竞选班子闯入水门大厦民主党全国委员会办公室,在安装窃听器和偷拍时被捕。 [01:59.35]I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. 我愿意辞职, 并将于明天中午生效。 [02:04.19]Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office. 副总统福特届时将成为总统。 [02:12.18]I would say only, that if some of my judgments were wrong, and some were wrong, 我会说, 即使我有时做出的决定和判断是错的——而一部分的确是错的—— [02:20.31]they were made in what I believed at the time to be the best interest of the Nation. 也是我相信在当时它们是最有利于我们国家的决定。