[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.22]Elizabeth had scarcely time to disclaim all right to the compliment, before their approach was announced by the door-bell, 伊丽莎白听到这番恭维话,还没有来得及申辩,门铃就响了,宣布贵宾光临。 [00:06.33]and shortly afterwards the three gentlemen entered the room. 不大一会儿工夫,宾主三人一同走进屋来。 [00:09.38]Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about thirty, not handsome, but in person and address most truly the gentleman. 带头的是费茨威廉上校,大约三十岁左右,人长得不漂亮,可是从仪表和谈吐看来,倒是个地道的绅士。 [00:16.45]Mr. Darcy looked just as he had been used to look in Hertfordshire, paid his compliments, with his usual reserve, 达西先生完全是当初在哈福德郡的那副老样子,用他往常一贯的矜持态度,向柯林斯太太问好。 [00:22.38]to Mrs. Collins; and whatever might be his feelings towards her friend, met her with every appearance of composure. Elizabeth merely curtseyed to him, without saying a word. 尽管他对她的朋友伊丽莎白可能另有一种感情,然而见到她的时候,神色却极其镇定。伊丽莎白只对他行了个屈膝礼,一句话也没说。 [00:32.10]Colonel Fitzwilliam entered into conversation directly with the readiness and ease of a well-bred man, and talked very pleasantly; 费茨威廉上校立刻就跟大家攀谈起来,口齿伶俐,象个有教养的人,并且谈得颇有风趣; [00:38.59]but his cousin, after having addressed a slight observation on the house and garden to Mrs. Collins, sat for some time without speaking to any body. 可是他那位表兄,却只跟柯林斯太太把房子和花园稍许评赏了几句,就坐那儿没有跟任何人说话。过了一会儿,他重新想到了礼貌问题, [00:46.47]At length, however, his civility was so far awakened as to enquire of Elizabeth after the health of her family. 便向伊丽莎白问候她和她全家人的安好。伊丽莎白照例敷衍了他几句, [00:52.58]She answered him in the usual way, and after a moment's pause, added, "My eldest sister has been in town these three months. Have you never happened to see her there?" 停了片刻,她又说:“我姐姐最近三个月来一直在城里。你从来没有碰到过她吗?” [01:02.23]She was perfectly sensible that he never had; but she wished to see whether he would betray any consciousness of what had passed between the Bingleys and Jane; 其实她明明知道他从来没有碰到过吉英,只不过为了想要探探他的口气,看看他是否知道彬格莱一家人和吉英之间的关系。 [01:11.16]and she thought he looked a little confused as he answered that he had never been so fortunate as to meet Miss Bennet. 他回答说,不幸从来未曾碰到过班纳特小姐,她觉得他回答这话时神色有点慌张。 [01:17.20]The subject was pursued no farther, and the gentlemen soon afterwards went away. 这件事没有再谈下去,两位贵宾立刻就告辞了。