[00:00.81]1.I am calling to apply for the job as an airlines staff. 我想申请航空公司职员一职。 [00:06.66]2.I'd like to check it. 我想核实一下。 [00:10.48]3.Is it a part-time or a full-time job? 这个工作是兼职还是全职的? [00:15.89]4.I am calling to consult you about the job as a copywriter. 我想咨询一下广告撰稿员一职的情况。 [00:21.93]5.Can you describe the responsibilities of the position? 你能不能描述一下工作职责? [00:27.62]6.I am calling to ask the job of music teacher. 我想问问音乐教师一职的情况。 [00:33.99]7.What qualities do you need in the applicant for the position of programmer? 你们想要招聘具有何种品质的程序员? [00:40.98]8.The main job is supervising the students and giving them what they need to learn. 主要工作是监督学生,教给他们需要学的知识。 [00:48.21]9.She has to be proficient in English and speak Chinese with volubility. 秘书必须英语流利,精通汉语。 [00:55.39]10.We need a person with ability and flexibility. 我们需要有能力、适应性强的人。 [01:01.17]Dialogue 1 Hello. I am calling to apply for the job as an airlines staff. I'd like to check it. Is it part-time or a full-time job? 你好,我想申请航空公司职员 —职、我想核实一下这个工作是兼职还是全职的? [01:13.11]OK,the job is a full-time one. 这是全职的工作。 [01:16.83]What does the job description say? 工作要求是什么? [01:19.87]We need a person with ability and flexibility. 我们需要有能力、适应性强的人。 [01:23.90]Dialogue 2 I am calling to consult you about the job as a copywriter. 我想咨询一下广告撰稿员一职的具体情况. [01:31.56]Yes, what do you want to know? 好的,你想了解哪些情况? [01:35.08]The information is scanty for me. And can you describe the responsibilities of the position? 我掌握的信息实在很贫乏你 能不能描述一下工作职责? [01:42.29]Yes. Copywriters are supposed to design and write articles for the advertising company. 好的。广告撰稿员是负责为广 告公司设计和撰写广告文字的。