[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:04.74]Chapter4: Feeling Happy 第四课 开心的感觉 [00:09.48]A What are the children doing? 小朋友正在做什么? [00:19.96]Betty is eating an apple. BETTY 正在吃苹果 [00:27.40]Peter and Tome are watching a clown. PETER 和 TOME 正在看小丑表演 [00:38.24]eating an apple 吃苹果 [00:44.30]watching birds 看小鸟 [00:50.05]watching a clown 看小丑表演 [00:56.82]listening to music 听音乐 [01:02.54]patting a dog 轻拍小狗 [01:08.88]smelling flowers 闻花 [01:14.81]B What makes Beeno and his friends happy? 有什么使BEENO和他的朋友开心 [01:21.68]Act Beeno and his mother 扮演BEENO和他妈妈 [01:35.32]What do you like doing 你喜欢做什么? [01:42.35]I like listening to birds. 我喜欢听鸟唱歌 [01:50.39]I like smelling flowers 我喜欢闻花 [01:57.84]These things make me happy. 这些东西使我很开心 [02:06.09]What do your friend like doing? 你的朋友喜欢做什么 [02:15.21]Mary likes reading books. MARY 喜欢看书 [02:23.26]She likes eating ice cream. 她喜欢吃冰淇淋 [02:31.09]these things make her happy. 这些事使她很开心 [02:39.74]Tom likes playing football. TOM 喜欢踢足球 [02:48.18]He likes singing songs 他喜欢唱歌 [02:55.05]These things make him happy. 这些事使他很开心 [03:02.70]C Fun reading 趣味小故事 [03:10.93]You're a king Why are you sad? 你是一个国王,你为什么伤心呢 [03:23.28]I have a lot of thing but they don't make me happy 我有很多东西,但它们不能使我开心 [03:39.53]I like listening to birds 我喜欢听鸟唱歌. [03:49.88]It makes me happy.Catch that little bird 鸟唱歌使我很开心捉住那只小鸟 [04:06.23]Please sing for me,Little bird. 小鸟请为我唱歌 [04:14.77]I can't sing.I'm not happy.I'm not free. 我不会唱我不开心我没有自由 [04:31.33]Fly away,little bird.Don't be sad. 飞吧,小鸟,不要悲伤 [04:43.19]I can't hear the little bird.Now I'm sad 我不能听小鸟唱歌现在我很伤心 [04:59.73]Now I'm free.I can sing for you. 现在我自由了,我可以唱歌给你听 [05:12.58]Thank you.little bird.Your singing makes me happy 谢谢你小鸟你的歌声使我很开心 [05:22.12]Choose the best title 选一个最好的题目 [05:30.95]The sad man 伤心的人 [05:37.09]The bird in the cage 笼里的鸟 [05:44.04]The little bird and the king. 小鸟与国王 [05:55.01]D say the poem 读这首诗 [06:03.94]May likes listening to birds. 梅喜欢听小鸟歌唱 [06:09.19]She likes smelling flowers.She likes eating ice cream. 她喜欢花的香味。她喜欢吃冰淇淋。 [06:18.13]She likes touching soft things.She likes watching people 她喜欢触碰柔软的东西。她喜欢看人来人往。 [06:27.19]These things make her happy 这些使她开心。 [06:31.74]What does Joe like dong?Say the poem JOE 喜欢做什么?读这首诗