[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:04.40]Chapter6: School Rules 第六课 校规 [00:08.80]A Point and say Look at Mary. 指和说看Mary. [00:22.26]She's running. 她在跑 [00:27.32]Look at Fred and John They're fighting. 看Fred和John,他们在打架. [00:37.96]running walking talking keeping quiet 跑 行走 聊天 保持安静 [00:55.51]eating fighting playing sitting still 吃东西 打架玩 定定的坐着 [01:12.15]B Ken is a prefect.Act Ken. B Ken是一位长官.扮演Ken [01:25.11]Don't run in the corridor. 不要在走廊跑. [01:36.76]Sorry!Don't talk in the library. 对不起!不要在图书馆里面聊天 [01:51.10]Sorry. 对不起! [01:56.95]Now you do the rest 现在你做其余这些 [02:04.53]Match the pictures with the sentences Write the numbers in the boxes 将图和句子配对,将数字写在空格里面 [02:19.18]1 You must walk in the corridor. 你们在走廊应该慢慢走, [02:29.76]3 You mustn't play in the hall. 你们不应该在礼堂玩 [02:40.39]5 You mustn't eat in the classroom. 你们不应该在课室里面吃东西. [02:52.33]2 You must keep quiet in the library. 你们在图书馆里面应保持安静. [03:01.11]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事 [03:08.97]Hello,Beeno.Welcome to our school. 你好,Beeno.欢迎来我们的学校. [03:19.13]Thank you,Miss Chan.Beeno is visiting Tom's school. 谢谢,陈老师.Beeno参观Tom的学校. [03:33.68]Do you know our school rules,Beeno? 你知道我们学校的校规吗,Beeno? [03:43.24]No,Miss Chan. 不知道,陈老师. [03:50.09]You mustn't run in the corridor. 你不能在走廊里面跑. [03:58.42]You mustn't talk in the library. 你不能在图书馆里面聊天. [04:07.28]You mustn't play in the classroom. 你不能在课室里面玩. [04:14.93]You mustn't eat in the classroom. 你不能在课室里面吃东西. [04:22.97]You must eat in the canteen. 你必须在饭堂吃. [04:30.42]You must sit still... 你应该安静地坐着. [04:37.19]Oh dear!I don't like your school,Tom. 哦,我不喜欢你们的学校Tom. [04:49.25]I'm going home.Goodbye! 我要回家了.再见. [05:00.90]D Sally is visiting Beeno's school.Act Sally. D Sally正参观Beeno的学校.扮演Sally [05:15.87]You mustn't play in the canteen. 你不能在饭厅里面玩. [05:24.52]You must keep quiet in the library. 你在图书馆里应该保持安静. [05:34.05]You mustn't eat in the music room. 你不能在音乐室里面吃东西. [05:43.69]You must sit still in the classroom. 你必须在课室里面定定地坐着. [05:53.12]You mustn't fight in the playground. 你不能在操场上打架. [06:01.67]You must walk in the corridor. 你应该在走廊上慢慢地走. [06:10.31]Now help the headmaster to write the rules for Beeno's school 现在帮助校长写Beeno的学校的校规. [06:18.25]School rulers 校规 [06:23.11]1 Do not play in the canteen 不能在饭厅里面玩. [06:33.87]2 Keep quiet in the library. 在图书馆里应该保持安静.