[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:04.00]Chapter7: Festival 第七课 节日 [00:07.99]A What are they doing? 他们在干什么? [00:16.64]Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 [00:22.52]moon cakes 月饼 [00:27.56]Christmas 圣诞节 [00:32.52]a present 礼物 [00:37.28]Chinese New Year 新年 [00:43.44]lucky money 压岁钱 [00:48.12]Easter chocolate eggs 复活节 朱古力蛋 [00:57.68]Charlie is getting lucky money. Charlie得到压岁钱 [01:05.93]B Beeno is learning about festivals on Earth. B Beeno正在认识地球上的节日. [01:12.88]Act the friends 扮演这些朋友 [01:22.55]When's Easter? 复活节是什么时候? [01:29.42]It's in spring? 在春天 [01:35.27]When's Christmas? 圣诞节在什么时候? [01:41.72]It's in winter. 在冬天. [01:47.36]What do you do at Easter? 你在复活节干什么? [01:55.02]We eat chocolate eggs 我们吃朱古力蛋. [02:02.28]What do you do at Chinese New Year? 你们过新年做什么? [02:11.66]We visit friends. 我们向朋友拜年. [02:17.72]Talk about the other festivals 谈论其它的节日. [02:23.96]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事 [02:31.12]There's a holiday next week.Beeno. Beeno,下个星期有一天的假. [02:39.29]It's the day after Mid-Autumn Festival. 它在中秋节之后的那天. [02:47.65]Tom and Beeno are looking at the calendar. Tom和Beeno在看日历. [02:56.20]What do you do at Mid-Autumn Festival,Tom? 你们在中秋节做什么的,Tom? [03:06.04]We eat moon cakes. 我们吃月饼. [03:15.11]I know. 我知道. [03:25.58]I can make a present for Tom. 我要做一份礼物给Tom. [03:33.63]I can make some moon cakes. 我可以做些月饼. [03:41.07]Beeno files to the moon. Beeno飞上了月球. [03:47.84]What are these,Beeno? 这些是什么,Beeno? [03:55.89]They're moon cakes. 它们是月饼. [04:02.13]They're for Mid-Autumn Festival. 它们是在中秋节吃的. [04:10.07]Oh!Thank you,Beeno 哦,谢谢了,Beeno. [04:19.50]finish the sentences 完成句子 [04:25.35]Beeno is____.(kind/naughty/lazy) Beeno很好心/顽皮/懒惰 [04:42.02]He gives Tom a____.(calender/present/moon) 他送给Tom日历/礼物/月亮. [04:58.97]D Read the poem D 读这首诗 [05:06.55]Chinese New Year 农历新年 [05:12.50]Let's clean our apartments,For it's Chinese New Year. 为了迎接新年,让我们打扫住所吧! [05:21.04]Let's ask for some Lai-sees,And wish all good cheer. 让我们沾染一些福气,希望一切都有一个好的结果。 [05:29.09]Let's cook lots of vegetables,And sweet puddings bake. 让我们煮很多的蔬菜,还有甜蜜的烤布丁。 [05:37.16]Let's buy lots of mandarins,Fruits,sweets and cakes. 让我们买许许多多的柑橘,水果和蛋糕。 [05:44.61]Let's rise bright and early,On New Year's Day. 让我们在元旦那天早起,精神饱满。 [05:51.87]Let's dress in our finest. 装上自己最满意的衣服。 [05:56.23]Let's eat,drink and play. 尽享饕餮盛宴,尽情玩耍。 [06:00.91]Let's all during New Year Be happy,not sad. 在新的一年里都开开心心,没有不好的事情。 [06:08.35]Let's hope that the kind gods. 让我们祈盼慈爱的上帝, [06:13.39]Bring good luck,not bad. 赐予我们好运,远离哀痛。 [06:17.84]What do you like doing at Chinese New Year? 你们是怎样过新年的?