[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:05.07]Chapter2: Fun In The Park 第二课 公园多乐趣 [00:10.14]A What can you see in the park? A 在公园你看到了什么? [00:20.27]There are swings. 有秋千. [00:26.15]They're in front of the slide. 秋千在滑梯面前. [00:33.93]There's a climbing frame. 有个杠架. [00:40.44]It's opposite the swimming pool. 杠架在泳池对面. [00:49.03]There's a roller coaster. 有过山车. [00:55.93]It's behind the climbing frame. 过山车在杠架后面. [01:04.10]a slide 滑梯 [01:09.20]a climbing frame 杠架 [01:15.39]swings 秋千 [01:20.80]a cable car 吊车 [01:26.20]a roller coaster 过山车 [01:32.19]in front of 前面 [01:38.09]behind 后面 [01:42.90]opposite 对面 [01:47.89]B Act Tom and Beeno.Ask and answer questions about the park. B 扮演Tom和Beeno。问和答关于公园的问题。 [02:04.97]What do you like doing in the park? 你在公园喜欢干些什么? [02:13.07]I like playing on the swings. 我喜欢荡秋千。 [02:20.77]I like riding on the roller coaster. 我喜欢玩过山车。 [02:29.08]Tom:Where's the slide? 滑梯在哪啊? [02:35.48]Beeno:Turn right here. 在这转右。 [02:41.88]It's behind the swings 滑梯在秋千后面。 [02:50.08]Tom:Where's the climbing frame? 杠架在哪啊? [02:57.97]Beeno:Turn left there. 在那里转左。 [03:04.69]It's in front of the roller coaster. 杠架在过山车前面。 [03:13.18]Tom:Where's the cable car? 吊车在哪啊? [03:20.78]Beeno:Turn right there. 在那里转右。 [03:27.39]It's opposite the slide. 吊车在滑梯对面。 [03:35.20]You want to go to othere places in the park.Ask and answer questions with your friend. 你想去公园其他地方,和你朋友问和答这些问题吧。 [03:51.78]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事。 [03:59.49]Look at those funny masks,Dad. 爸爸你看那些面具多有趣。 [04:09.29]I want one. 我想要一个。 [04:15.69]Excuse me.Where can I buy that mask? 不好意思,请问我在哪里可以买到那个面具。 [04:27.78]Turn left here. 在这里转左。 [04:33.58]There's a shop opposite the toilets. 洗手间对面有一间店铺 [04:41.68]Thank you. 谢谢。 [04:46.38]What do you like doing in the park? 你在公园喜欢做些什么? [04:55.08]I like riding on the little train. 我喜欢坐小火车。 [05:03.18]Let's go on the train now. 不如现在就去坐小火车吧。 [05:11.28]Look at those people. 看那些人。 [05:17.88]What's pappening? 发生什么事了? [05:24.08]Monster!Monster!Run! 怪兽啊!怪兽啊!走啊! [05:34.29]I'm not afraid of monsters. 我不怕怪兽。 [05:42.78]Let's go. 让我们走吧。 [05:48.29]Charlie!Come back! Charlie回来。 [05:55.58]Charlie put on his mask. 带上他的面具。 [06:03.08]Go away,Monster! 怪兽,快走! [06:10.57]Help!I'm afraid! 救命啊!我好怕啊! [06:21.47]Choose the best title: 选出最好的故事名: [06:28.47]The magic rain forest 魔术雨林 [06:34.97]Charlin and the monster Charlin与怪兽 [06:41.48]or A ride on the little train 或者是坐小火车 [06:50.67]D Tom and Mary are asking the way to different places in the park.Act the people. D Tom和 Mary在问别人去公园的路。扮演这些人物。 [07:10.26]Mary:What do you like doing in the park? Mary:你在公园喜欢做些什么? [07:18.36]Tom: I like riding on the roller coaster. 我喜欢坐过山车。 [07:26.54]Mary:Where's the roller coaster? 过山车在哪啊? [07:33.64]Tom: I don't know. Tom:我不知道。 [07:39.05]Mary:Let's ask that man. 不如去问一下那个男人吧。 [07:46.26]Tom: Excuse me. 不好意思。 [07:52.14]Where's the roller coaster,please? 请问过山车在哪? [08:00.63]Park keeper:Turn right there. 在那转右。 [08:06.71]It's opposite the shops. 过山车在店铺的对面。 [08:14.00]Tom: Thank you. 谢谢。 [08:18.70]Park keeper:You're welcome. 不用客气。