[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:04.02]Chapter9: Customers 第九课:顾客 [00:08.05]A/What is happening in the restaurant? A/在餐店发生了什么事? [00:18.36]The people are having dinner. 人们正在用餐 [00:24.56]The service in the restaurant is terrible. 这间餐厅的服务很差 [00:32.99]1 a customer 1一个顾客 [00:40.62]2 a waiter 2 一个服务员 [00:48.80]3 a fussy customer 3 挑剔的顾客 [00:57.94]4 terrible service 服务很差 [01:07.53]5 an expensive suit 5 很贵的套装 [01:11.11]6 turn up the air-con 6 开大冷气 [01:19.28]B/Reading:The fussy customer B/阅读:挑剔的顾客 [01:31.06]Mr Wong owned a popular restaurant. Wong开了一间很受欢迎的酒楼。 [01:39.32]A successful businessman,Mr Lee,had lunch there very day. 有一个很成功的商人Lee先生每天都在这吃午餐 [01:50.81]Simon Chow worked for Mr Lee. Simon Chow帮Lee先生做事。 [01:58.62]One day he came into the resaurant. 有一天,他进到这家酒楼。 [02:05.70]Simon wanted people to think that he was rich Simon想大家认为他很富有, [02:11.03]so he wore an expensive suit. 因此他穿了一套很贵的西服。 [02:21.98]He called out to Mr Wong,'Waiter! 他叫Wong先生,‘服务员, [02:27.59]Give me your best table. 给张最好的桌子给我。 [02:36.47]Mr Wong showed Simon to an empty table. Wong先生带Simon去一张没有人的桌子。 [02:44.28]I want a better table Say Simon I want to sit over there,by the window. Simon说,我要一张好桌子,我要坐在那里,靠近窗的 [03:00.77]He did not see that his boss was already sitting at the table. 他见不到他的老板已经坐在那张台。 [03:11.09]Mr Wong was nervous of fussy customers like Simon. Wong先生对像Simon这样挑剔的顾客很紧张 [03:21.51]'Would you mind moving to another table,sir?' ‘先生,你介意到另外一张桌子吗, [03:27.23]he asked Mr Lee quietly. 他小心地问Lee先生。 [03:37.57]'No,I don't mind,'said Mr Lee. [03:41.56]Lee先生回答:‘我不介意。 [03:45.54]He got up and changed tables. 他起来换了一张桌子。 [03:53.64]Simon called Mr Wong again. Simon又再次叫Wong先生。 [04:00.20]'It's too hot in here.Turn up the air-con! ’这里太热了。打大点冷气。‘ [04:10.25]'Oh,I'm sorry,sir.I can't do that. ’哦,先生,对不起。我不能这样做 [04:20.68]It's already turned up. 这已经够大了。 [04:26.76]Would you like to take off you jacket?' 把你的夹克脱下来好吗?’' [04:34.91]'No,'said Simon rudely. ‘不行’Simon粗暴地说 [04:43.56]'Bring me the menu at once. ‘给我菜单,快点。 [04:49.65]Simon wanted to order something that was not on the menu. Simon想点些菜单上没有的东西。 [04:58.74]'Waiter!Bring me a steak and fries!'he called loudly. 他大声的叫,‘服务员给我一份牛排和薯片 [05:10.86]'I'm sorry,sir,'said Mr Wong politely. Wong先生很有礼貌地说,‘先生,非常的抱歉’ [05:20.03]'We don't have steak.We only serve Chinese food. ‘我们没有牛排,我们只供应中式食物 [05:30.84]Would you like to order something from the menu?' 你点菜单上的菜好吗? [05:38.65]Finally Simon ordered his food. Simon终于叫了东西吃。 [05:45.55]When the food came,Simon was not happy. 食物来的时候,Simon又很不高兴。 [05:54.43]'Look at these noodles!They aren't hot enough.‘ 看这些面条!它们不够热。 [06:05.51]The food in this restaurant is no good. 这家酒楼的食物一点都不好。 [06:13.21]The service is terrible.I'll never come here again!'he shouted. 服务又差,我以后都不会来了!‘他叫喊道 [06:24.26]Mr Wong went pale.He did not know what to say. Wong先生脸都青了,他不知道说什么好。 [06:34.79]Mr Lee was listening. Lee先生一直都在听。 [06:40.98]He felt sorry for Mr Wong so he went over to Simon's table. 他觉得Wong很可怜.于是走过Simon的桌子 [06:53.02]'Hello,Simon,'he said calmly. ‘你好,Simon’他平静地说。' [07:00.65]'I think this is the best restaurant in town. ‘我认为这是这个城镇里最好的酒楼了 [07:07.44]The food here is delicious. 这里的食物很美味 [07:13.63]If you want five-star service, '如果你想要五星级的服务, [07:17.92]you can go to the five-star restaurant next door 你可以到隔壁五星级的酒楼去 [07:23.27]but you'll have to pay five-star prices! 但是你要付五星级的钱。 [07:37.85]Simon went red. Simon脸红了。 [07:43.46]He felt ashamed and left the restaurant quickly. 他觉得很羞愧,于是快速地离开了酒楼 [07:54.25]What do you think of the people in the story? 你觉得故事里面的人物怎么样? [07:59.06]Tell your friend. 告诉你的朋友知。 [08:07.76]C/Answer the questions about the story in complete sentences. 用完整的句子来回答关于这个故事的问题。 [09:35.09]SK/Look at the chart. SK/看这张图 [09:43.71]Put the sentences in this story in a good order. 将关于这个故事的句子按顺序排好 [09:49.24]Write the letters in the boxes. 将字母写在空格里。 [11:31.93]D/Mrs Chow is at the hairdresser.What are the people saying? 太太在发型里。那里的客人在说什么? [11:50.50]1 Would you like to come in? [12:11.04]请进 [12:31.57]E/Look at these customers and finish the sentences. 看这些顾客,然后完成这些句子。 [12:45.10]1 Here you are. 给你。 [12:52.62]Thank you very much. 非常谢谢 [12:57.72]The shopkeeper found the bood quickly. 店员很快找到那本书 [13:04.72]The man thanked her politely. 那人很有礼貌地跟她道谢。 [13:12.79]2 Walk faster!I'm in a hurry. 2 走快点,我赶时间。 [13:41.66]F/Finish this story about a fussy customer.here are the answer 完成这个有关一个挑剔顾客的故事。 [13:57.25]1 Susie works in a clothes shop. Susie在一间服装店做事。 [14:08.40]One day a woman came into her shop. 有一天,一个女人走进她的店里。 [14:16.95]The woman looked at a pair of jeans. 这个女人望着一条牛仔裤。 [14:24.76]Susie asked,'Would you like to try on these jeans? Susie问,‘请问你想试一下这裤子吗 [14:35.91]'They're too small. 这个顾客很粗鲁地说, [14:39.39]Get me a bigger pair!'the customer said rudely. ‘它太小了,给我一条大点的。’