[00:00:01]Question 11. I just received an Email from one of my former classmates. I was surprised, I hadn't heard from him for ages. 问题11.我刚收到了老同学给我的电子邮件。我很惊讶,我很长一段时间没有听到关于他的消息了。 [00:13:13]Well, I've been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally. 对于我来说,我已经与我的老朋友们疏远了,只有一两个还偶尔打电话联系。 [00:29:26]What does the woman mean? 这位女士是什么意思? [00:41:48]Question 12. If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the outside of your house early next week. 问题12. 如果你能决定出颜色,我就能在下周初开始给你刷房子的外面。 [00:51:18]Well, right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I'll let you know tomorrow. 好的,现在我想给窗架刷白油漆,墙面用黄色,其他明天告诉你。 [01:00:03]Who is the woman talking to? 这位女士在跟谁谈话? [01:02:38]Question 13.Excuse me, do you have any apartments available for under 500 dollars a month? I need to move in next week when my new job starts. 问题13.打扰一下,你知道哪里有一个月500美元以下的公寓吗?当我下周新工作要开始时,我想搬进去。 [01:32:19]The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars, have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street? 我有一间空的要收600美元,你询问过大街那边的公寓大楼了吗? [01:44:36]What does the man suggest the woman do? 男人给女人的建议是什么? [02:03:28]Question 14.You bought a pair of jeans yesterday, didn't you? What are they like? 问题14. 你昨天买了一件新牛仔裤是吗?什么样? [02:08:42]Oh, they are pretty much like my other ones, except with a larger waist. I guess I haven't spent much time exercising lately. 跟我其他的裤子差不多,除了腰围变大了。我想是因为我最近都没有锻炼。 [02:19:10]What can we infer from the conversation about the man? 我们能从对话中了解到这位男士的什么信息?