[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:28]1. Any other questions? 还有别的问题吗? [00:05:51]2. You can contact me any time you need me. Bye. 任何时候需要我就和我联系。再见。 [00:13:00]3. Alright, see you. 好的,再见。 [00:16:47]4. Wish you good luck. 祝你好运。 [00:19:44]5. I guess we have covered all the stuff that we need to discuss and it's time to say goodbye. 我想我们已经把要讨论的事项都讨论过了,该说再见了。 [00:28:46]6. I think I've known enough, thank you. 我已经都明白了,谢谢。 [00:33:23]7. Yes, goodbye and keep in touch. 好的,再见。保持联络。 [00:37:27]8. See you later. 再会。 [00:40:50]9. Take care and goodbye. 保重,再见。 [00:45:11]10. Thank you for your encouragement. See you. 谢谢你的鼓励。再见。 [00:50:27]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [00:52:48]That's all you need to know about the interview for the job as a fireman. Any other questions? 我已经告知你所有关于面试消防员一职的事宜了。还有别的问题吗? [00:59:57]No. I think I've known enough. Thank you. 没有了。我已经都明白了。谢谢。 [01:03:22]You can contact me any time you need me. 任何时候有需要就和我联系。 [01:07:51]Alright, see you. 好的,再见。 [01:11:05]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:11:50]It seems that you are an optimistic man who doesn't dismay easily. That is what a good salesman needs. Good luck. 你似乎很乐观,不是那种遇事就泄气的人。这是一个好的推销员必需的素质。祝你好运。 [01:21:21]Thank you. 谢谢。 [01:22:44]I guess we have covered all the stuff that we need to discuss and it's time to say goodbye. 我想我们已经把要讨论的事项都讨论过了,该说再见了。 [01:28:25]Yes, goodbye and keep in touch. 好的,再见。保持联络。