[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:43]1. Could you tell me where the copy room is? 你能告诉我复印室在哪里吗? [00:07:22]2. The copy room is the second room on the right. 复印室在右手边的第 2 个房间。 [00:13:34]3. Will you please copy these diplomas for me? 你能帮我把这些证书复印一下吗? [00:19:19]4. Would you copy these papers for me? 你能帮我复印这些纸吗? [00:24:41]5. Would you do me a favor to copy the certificate for me? 你能帮我复印这个证书吗? [00:32:28]6. In duplicate and give me a receipt. 一式两份,给我开个收据。 [00:39:03]7. 15 copies for each diploma. 每个证书复印 15 份。 [00:43:07]8. The coping machine isn't functioning well. 复印机坏了。 [00:49:00]9. I've pushed the start button. It is supposed to be working now but it remains like a log. 我按了开始键,应该开始启动了,但是却动也不动。 [00:58:19]10. It has a paper jam. 纸被卡住了。 [01:02:47]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:05:22]Excuse me. 麻烦问一下. [01:07:45]Yes? 有事吗? [01:07:54]Could you tell me where the copy room is? 你能告诉我复印室在哪里吗? [01:10:57]Sure. You just walk down this hallway. 好的。你沿着这个走廊走,复印室在右手边的第二个房间。 [01:14:06]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:15:34]What do you need me to do? 需要我做什么? [01:23:06]Will you please copy these diplomas tor me? 你能帮我把这些证书复印一下吗? [01:26:31]Sure. How many copies do you need? 好的。复印多少份? [01:30:06]15 copies for each diploma. 每个证复印15份。