[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:25]1. What job would you recommend to me? 你推荐给我什么工作? [00:08:08]2. Mr. Li, does the recommendation of the university play an important role in job himting? 李先生,学校推荐在求职中作用大吗? [00:16:23]3. In fact, the recommendation is a way of indirect self-recommendation. 事实上,学校的推荐信是一种间接的自我推荐。 [00:24:29]4. I doubt the authority because most of the recommendation letters of the university are the same. 很多学校的推荐信都是一样的,因此我怀疑这些信的权威性。 [00:33:02]5. More and more people have the same discoveries since most of the universities do that in order to save effort. 越来越多的人都注意到这个问题了,学校这么做是为了省力。 [00:42:36]6. By the way, are you willing to recommend me for the position? 顺便问一句,你愿意帮我推荐推荐吗? [00:50:27]7. I appreciate the effort, sir. 我非常感谢您,先生。 [00:54:19]8. Please give me your good word. 请您帮我推荐推荐。 [00:59:06]9. That'll be a great honor. Thank you so much. 那是我的荣幸,太谢谢了。 [01:05:34]10. I have to quit at first and then apply for the new one. 不过我得先辞职再去申请新工作。 [01:14:52]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:15:24]Mr. Li, does the recommendation of the university play an important role in job himting? 李先生,学校推荐在求职中作用大吗? [01:22:06]Yes. In fact, the recommendation is a way of indirect self-recommendation. The university and the business have a long-term relationship. If you are recommended by your university,you can be approved more easily. 是的。事实上,学校的推荐信是一种间接的自我推荐。学校和企业有着长期的合作,只要你被学校推荐了,你就更容易被认可。 [01:36:22]But I doubt the authority because most of the recommendation letters of the university are the same. 但很多大学的推荐信都是一样的, 因此我怀疑这些信的权威性。 [01:43:21]More and more people have the same discoveries since most of the universities do that in order to save effort. 越来越多的人都注意到这个问题了,学校这么做是为了省力。 [01:51:51]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:52:12]Are you ready to move? 你准备好换工作了吗? [01:57:51]Definitely. I ve got ihe hell out of the company. Anything new? 当然,我已经离开公司了。你有什么新消息吗? [02:03:35]Yes, but there is a chance that might be suitable for you. 是的,可能有个适合你的好机会。 [02:08:02]Really? Arc you willing to recommend me for the position? 真的?你会帮我推荐吗? [02:12:31]I can't say, but let me make a call and see if I can help. 我不能肯定,但是我可以打个电话看看能不能帮上忙。 [02:17:38]1 appreciate the effort, sir. 我非常感谢你,先生。