[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]1. What should I wear if I want to go to an interview? 我想去参加面试,应该穿什么衣服呢? [00:05.55]2. You should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. 你应该仪表整齐,穿着得体。 [00:13.42]3. Could you give me some suggestions on dressing? 对着装你有什么建议吗? [00:19.22]4. Can I buy a T-shirt and jeans for the interview? 我想为面试买个T恤衫和牛仔裤,行吗? [00:25.75]5. I am looking for a shirt. I'm going to have a job interview next week. 我想要件衬衫。我下周就要面试了。 [00:33.50]6. Is a white shirt OK? 白色的衬衣行吗? [00:38.43]7. I am a size 8. 我穿8号的衣服。 [00:43.36]8. Well, may I try this on? 好的,我能试穿吗? [00:48.59]9. I'll try it on in the fitting room. 我去试衣间试试这件吧。 [00:54.68]10. You should wear a tie to go with your suit. 你应该选条领带搭配西服。 [01:01.15]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:06.45]Excuse me. What should I wear if I want to go to an interview? 劳驾,我想去参加面试,应该穿什么衣服呢? [01:10.92]You should wear a tie to go with your suit. 你应该选条领带搭配西服。 [01:14.53]I am afraid I would tense up during the interview. A:我怕而忒的时候会紧张。 [01:18.89]It doesn't matter. Just do your best to sell yourself. 没关系。尽力推销自己就行了。 [01:23.24]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:28.00]Brandy, I am supposed to participate in an interview tomorrow. 布拉迪,我明天要参加面试了。 [01:33.65]That's great. You need to prepare for it. 太好了,你得准备准备。 [01:37.72]How? 怎么准备? [01:40.07]Buy an expensive suit. 买一套昂贵的西服。 [01:42.63]Is a white shirt OK? 白色的衬衣行吗? [01:45.00]Yeah,fine. And dressing leather shoes. 行,然后穿上皮鞋。