[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]1.I want to rent a formal suit for an interview. 我想为面试租借一套正装。 [00:05.40]2.Do you make a discount on the suit? 这件西服的租金可以打折吗? [00:10.14]3.We can knock off 10% if you pay in cash. 如果付现金的话,可以打九折。 [00:16.44]4.How much is the rent? 租金多少? [00:20.42]5.Do you have a purple dress here? 你们有紫色的裙子吗? [00:25.41]6.You want a large size, or a small size? 你要大号的还是小号的? [00:31.42]7.It's extra large, but what I need is just the large size. 这件是特大号的,而我要的是大号。 [00:38.59]8.You should rent a brown suit and a black shirt. 你应该租一件棕色西服和一件黑色衬衣。 [00:44.68]9.The rent is 400 yuan a day. 租金是每天 400 元。 [00:50.65]10.We've got quite a range of colors to rent. 我们有很多颜色的衣服可以租。 [00:56.19]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [00:59.24]Can I help you, sir? 先生,我能为你效劳吗? [01:03.19]Yes. 1 want to rent a formal suit for an interview. Can you give me some advice? 好的。我想为面试租借一套正装。你能给我一些建议吗? [01:09.85]Yes. You should rent a brown suit and a black shirt. 可以,你应该租一件棕色的西服和一件黑色衬衣。 [01:14.28]May I try this on? 我可以试穿吗? [01:16.52]Yes. Let me help you. 可以。我来帮你吧。 [01:19.50]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:23.86]I want to rent a formal suit here.Do you have a purple dress here? 我想租件正装。你们有紫色的裙子吗? [01:29.71]Yes. Whal size are you? 有你穿多大号? [01:32.88]I am a size 6. 我穿6号的。 [01:35.55]Try this on please. 你试试这件吧。 [01:37.96]This is just my size. How much is the rent? 正好符合我的尺寸。租金多少? The rent is 400 yuan a day. 租金是每天400元。