[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]The deadly Ebola virus is getting worse in Africa. 致命的埃博拉病毒在非洲越来越严重。 [00:09.74]More and more people are getting affected. 越来越多的人感染埃博拉病毒。 [00:12.38]So far, 763 people have the virus, 至今为止,763人已感染埃博拉病毒, [00:17.03]and 468 of these have died. 468名患者已死亡。 [00:20.21]The United Nations said it is the biggest and deadliest Ebola outbreak the world has ever seen. 联合国称,这是至今为止爆发的规模最大,致命性最强的埃博拉病毒。 [00:27.57]Most of the deaths have been in Guinea. 大多数死亡病例在几内亚。 [00:30.86]This is where the outbreak started. 这里是埃博拉病毒爆发的最早的地方。 [00:33.59]People have also died in neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone. 在几内亚的邻国利比亚和塞拉利昂也有死亡病例。 [00:38.67]Health ministers from African countries are getting increasingly worried about the outbreak. 非洲国家的卫生部长,对这次病毒爆发感到越来越害怕。 [00:45.19]Ministers from 11 countries are meeting in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. 来自11个国家的部长,在非洲加纳首都阿克拉会谈。 [00:50.76]They will talk about what they can do to control the situation. 他们将讨论控制这种状况的办法。 [00:55.97]They want to stop more people from dying. 他们想要预防死亡。 [00:59.37]The World Health Organization (WHO) said "drastic" action was needed to stop the virus from spreading across Africa. 世界卫生组织称,严厉的行为是为了阻止埃博拉在整个非洲蔓延。 [01:08.76]WHO spokesman Daniel Epstein told reporters the organization was trying to get all countries to work together. 世界卫生组织丹尼尔.爱泼斯坦告诉记者,他说组织将会联合所有国家共同努力。 [01:17.67]He said if everyone helps, 他说,如果每个国家都帮忙, [01:20.00]"we can get a grip and halt this outbreak". 那么我们可以抓住重点,阻止埃博拉病毒发作。 [01:22.97]He said this was important because strong trading links between African countries means the virus could easily spread. 他说,这一点很重要,因为非洲国家之间贸易联系密切,很容易传播疾病。 [01:31.28]He said: "We need a strong response, especially along the shared border areas 他说,我们需要坚定的回应,尤其是边疆相邻的区域, [01:37.51]where commercial and social activities continue between Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. 几内亚,利比亚和塞拉利昂之间的贸易和社会活动在这些区域仍在继续。 [01:44.26]That's unlikely to stop. 而且也不可能停止。 [01:46.70]" Ebola kills up to 90 per cent of people who get infected. 感染埃博拉病毒患者的死亡率高达90%。 [01:51.66]There is no vaccine or cure for it. 目前还没有治愈埃博拉病毒的疫苗。