[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.71]Teddy honey, your script is terrific. 宝贝女儿,你的剧本写得棒极了 [00:06.64]I love it. - Oh, mom, I'm so glad you like it, 我很喜欢. - 哦 妈妈 您喜欢我真是太高兴了 [00:09.02]'Cause I thought you were gonna be critical. 因为我还一直好担心你会到处挑刺呢 [00:11.65]But you're not critical, you're just really smart. 可是你没有,你真是太棒了 [00:13.92]Okay, so who's in it? 那么哪些人来演呢 [00:15.84]Who's playing the duncans? 谁来演我们家的人 [00:17.23]Oh, kids from my drama class.This one kid, Walter, is playing dad. 哦 我们戏剧班上的同学,一个叫沃特的 他来演我爸 [00:20.91]Blah blah blah. Who's playing me? 随便了 那谁来演我 [00:23.86]I haven't cast the mom role yet. 这个我还没有确定 [00:25.28]I'm having auditions later. 我过一会要来进行那个角色的试镜 [00:26.53]Oh, okay. Well, if you need me to do anything, 哦 好吧 这样吧 如果你需要我帮忙 [00:28.84]Just let me know. I could do props,Costumes or play mom... whatever. 尽管开口,我可以帮忙弄道具啊服装啊,或者演妈妈这可角色啊,什么都行 [00:34.13]Here we go. 又来了 [00:36.25]You know, I don't know if I've told you this, 对了,我记得有没有跟你说过 [00:37.66]But when I was younger I did a lot of theater. 我在年轻的时候曾经演过很多的戏剧 [00:42.67]Really? What did the southwest denver Community college "daily bugle" say? 真的吗?丹佛西南社区学院的《每日号角》怎么评价的 [00:46.72]The southwest denver community college "daily bugle"Called my maggie from "cat on a hot tin roof" Purr-fect. 它们说我在"热铁皮屋顶上的猫 "里面演的玛姬实在是 美喵无比 [00:53.43]Ah. Look, mom. I'm supposed to use kids From my drama class in the video. 这个嘛,妈,我还是准备找跟我一起上戏剧课的同学来演短片里面的角色 [00:57.95]Of course. Of course you are. 当然 你当然应该这样 [00:59.98]I understand. - Thanks. 我完全理解 - 谢谢 [01:04.74]You know what I feel like? 你知道我现在什么感觉吗 [01:07.17]I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof. 我感觉自己就像热铁皮屋顶上的那只猫 [01:13.57]Dad! Mom's bugging me! 爸 妈又在骚扰我