[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]State police are concentrating on the area around Canadensis, Pennsylvania. 美国州警将注意力集中在宾夕法尼亚州的卡纳登西斯周边。 [00:04.01]That's where Eric Freen grew up and, his parents still live. 那里是埃里克·弗里恩(Eric Freen)长大的地方,他的双亲仍住在那里。 [00:07.54]Some roads are closed and people who live there haven't been able to go back to their homes because of police presence. 由于警方的介入,一些道路被封锁,住在那里的人无法回家。 [00:12.65]A Red Cross shelter has even been opened for them. 红十字会甚至为他们提供住所。 [00:15.59]Authorities say Freen has a vendetta against law enforcement, 有关当局称弗里恩(Freen)对执法深恶痛绝, [00:19.10]and had been planning a confrontation for quite some time. 他计划着如何反抗已有一段时间了。 [00:21.40]They also think he's hiding in homemade bunkers with supplies of food, water and fuel. 他们还认为:弗里恩(Freen)此刻正躲在自己建造的藏身所里,那儿有食物、水,还有燃料。 [00:26.42]Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio. 这里是福克斯新闻广播,Tonya J. Powers为您播报。