[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]He's funny, Jay. 杰,他真搞笑。 [00:03.36]I know. See? 看到了吧?我就说嘛。 [00:03.53]I can tell...you're not...you're not from Oregon. No, no. You...you are gorgeous. 我敢说,你不是来自俄勒冈州的,因为你太迷人了。 [00:08.15]Thank you. Thank you for bringing your father to the show. 谢谢,谢谢你带老爹来捧场。 [00:11.15]I'm...I'm her husband, Dave. 我是她老公,戴夫。 [00:14.37]No kidding? Yeah. What's it like to be married to someone who was there when the bible was written? 不会吧?没错。嫁给这种圣经诞生时就在的人是什么感觉? [00:19.27]What was it called then, just the testament? 那时候管圣经叫什么?就叫誓约? [00:24.33]That's...that's good stuff. 这太扯了。 [00:28.49]Oh, now he's trying to turn out the light. 哦,他现在想关灯了。