[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]When a typhoon strikes, one of the best places to be is Hong Kong harbour with its sheltered anchorage. 当台风袭来时,香港因其遮蔽的停泊所而成为最佳泊地之一。 [00:08.45]A centre of international trade, the city is famous for its jumble of skyscrapers and its bustling commercial centre. 作为一个国际贸易中心,她以参差错落的摩天大楼和熙攘拥挤的商业中心闻名。 [00:29.58]But there's a side to Hong Kong that's less well known. 但香港还有鲜为人知的一面。 [00:34.43]Behind the urban sprawl lies a swathe of wetlands which include the Mai Po Nature Reserve. 在这个盲目扩张的城市之中坐落着一片湿地,其中就包括米埔野生动物保护区。 [00:50.50]Managed principally for the benefit of migrating birds, 这里主要用于保护候鸟。 [00:54.36]the reserve maintains a series of traditional prawn farms, known as gei wais, 此外还保存着许多传统的虾塘,也就是基围, [01:00.49]and their adjoining mangroves and mudflats. 还有毗邻的红树林和泥滩。 [01:07.54]Every two weeks from November to March, one of the gei wais is drained by opening up the sluice gates. 从11月到3月份,每两周就会打开一个基围塘的水闸排水。