[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.31]As the water level falls, birds begin to gather. 随着水位下降,鸟儿们开始聚集。 [00:05.38]Herons, egrets and cormorants mingle with a far rarer visitor, the black-faced spoonbill. 苍鹭、白鹭和鸬鹚和另一种稀有的动物混在一起,这就是黑脸琵鹭。 [00:19.37]These endangered migrants have travelled the length of the Chinese coastline from Northern China and Korea. 这些濒危的候鸟们从中国北部和朝鲜半岛沿着中国的海岸线一路飞来 [00:27.40]Mai Po marks the end of a 2,000-kilometre journey 米埔标志着这长达2000多公里旅途的结束。 [00:32.04]during which the birds may have lost up to a third of their body weight. 鸟儿在飞行中甚至可能消耗掉体重的三分之一。 [00:37.07]Four hundred black-faced spoonbills, a quarter of the world's population, pass the winter here. 占了世界数量四分之一的400多只黑脸琵鹭会在这里过冬 [00:49.14]At low water, trapped shrimps and fish become easy prey, 在浅水中被困的鱼虾易于捕食, [00:54.56]a life saver for these endangered birds. 成为了这些濒危鸟儿们的救命粮草。