[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.55]The Pearl Estuary has become one of the busiest shipping channels in China, 珠江口已成为中国最繁忙的海运通道之一, [00:05.38]and the dolphins are constantly bombarded with sound. 海豚也经常受到噪音的狂轰滥炸。 [00:15.09]New research suggests that they may now pack more information into shorter calls in a bid to be heard. 新的研究指出,他们的叫声中可能包含了更多的信息并变得更短促。 [00:24.15]Local conservationists have now set up a protected zone near Lantau Island. 当地的环保主义者如今在珠江口附近建立起一个保护区, [00:30.18]So, for now, China's white dolphins are holding on. 中华白海豚从此得以生存。