[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]In the shallows of the coral atolls, 在珊瑚礁岛屿的浅海区域, [00:04.33]small jellyfish point their tentacles towards the sun. 水母将他的触须直指太阳。 [00:09.25]Like many animals here, 正如此地的其他动物一样, [00:11.30]they depend on a close partnership with microscopic algae, which turn solar power into food. 他们靠着能将太阳能转换为食物的海藻存活。 [00:20.12]The most famous of these relationships is the reef-forming corals, which provide the foundation of the sea's most dazzling ecosystem. 最著名的莫过于为海底提供炫目生态环境的珊瑚礁。