[00:12.00] I can read the lines on your face and they're telling me everything I already know, yeah. 我看到了你皱着眉头的脸,它们告诉了我早就知道的那一切,耶。 [00:23.19] I hold you in my arms but your light-years away from me, slowly sinking under alone, yeah. 我把你紧紧地揽在怀里,但其实你和我早已相距千里。慢慢地,慢慢地,孤独打败了我,耶。 [00:34.77] So I act cool on the outside. But it's eating me alive. 所以,我只是表面上很酷罢了。实际上,孤独正在一点一点吞噬着我。 [00:48.82] Cuz when it comes to you, there's nothing I can do. I can't make you love me when you don't. 因为这取决于你,我无能无力。当你不爱我了,我没法让你回心转意。 [01:01.08] I see it in your eyes, all the compromise. I can't take another slow goodbye. 我从你的双眼里看到了妥协。我不想再一次耗下去,因为最后还是要说再见。 [01:15.73] Sitting in the park after dark. Smoking cigarettes. Biting on the black of my nails 天黑后坐在公园里,抽着烟,咬着涂黑的指甲。 [01:29.03] Cuz all I ever wanted was what you took away from me. Trying to make it right, but it's too late. 因为我想拥有的那一切,你早已从我身边拿走了。我试着把它做好,可是已经太晚了。 [01:40.21] I'm a hopeless case on the inside and it's eating me alive. 我心里已经绝望了,绝望正在一点一点地吞噬我。 [01:54.25] Cuz when it comes to you, there's nothing I can do. I can't make you love me when you don't. 因为这取决于你,我无能无力。当你不爱我了,我没法让你回心转意。 [02:06.25] I see it in your eyes, all the compromise. I can't take another slow goodbye. 我从你的双眼里看到了妥协。我没办法再一次耗下去,因为最后还是要说再见。 [02:19.39] I die a million times. Every time when you look me in the eye, I'm alive. 我已经死了很多次了。但每当你凝视着我的时候,我又活过来了。 [02:27.77] Cuz I've heard it all before, the same game going around and around. But I still end up with nothing, but hurting. 因为我以前就听说过了,一次又一次重复进行着同样的游戏。但我最后还是一无所有,只留下伤痛。 [02:52.98] Cuz when it comes to you, there's nothing I can do. I can't make you love me when you don't. 因为这取决于你,我无能无力。当你不爱我了,我没法让你回心转意。 [03:05.50] I see it in your eyes, all the compromise. I can't take another slow goodbye, yeah. 我从你的双眼里看到了妥协。我没办法再一次耗下去,因为最后还是要说再见。 [03:20.26] There's nothing I can do. I can't make you love me when you don't. 因为这取决于你,我无能无力。当你不爱我了,我没法让你回心转意。 [03:28.92] I see it in your eyes, all the compromise. I can't take another slow goodbye. 我从你的双眼里看到了妥协。我没办法再一次耗下去,因为最后还是要说再见。