[00:00:42]Actually, there's a way to keep the kitchen god from telling the bad things you did. 其实有个方法可以让灶神不说出你的过失。 [00:06:16]What is it? Tell me! Will it work for Lester, too? 什么方法?跟我说!这对莱斯特也管用吗? [00:10:19]I think so! Just serve a lot of sweet dishes next week. 我觉得啦!下星期你就多准备点甜食。 [00:15:08]That will make the kitchen god say sweet things about you! 这可以让灶神说你的好话! [00:19:56]Hmm. Are you sure that will work? 呣。你确定那会有效吗? [00:21:45]I already tried giving chocolate to Lester. 我已经试过请莱斯特吃巧克力了。 [00:24:26]And what happened? 那后来呢? [00:25:44]His face broke out and he said it was my fault! 他脸上的痘痘冒了出来,还说是我的错!