[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:05.93] acclimate v.习惯于 [00:09.16] We are becoming acclimated to New York weather. 我们渐渐习惯了纽约的天气。 [00:12.85] assail v.攻击;质问 n.adj. assailant [00:16.18] The senators assailed the President on the subject of the treaty between the two countries. 议员们质问总统有关两国间的条约。 [00:21.58] congest v.充满 n.congestion [00:24.96] His face was congested with anger as the argument grew more heated. 争辨得更加热烈时,他的脸上充满怒意。 [00:29.81] effusive adj.热情的。n.effusion [00:34.62] Her effusive wecome made us feel most uncomfortable. 她热情地款待,使得我们非常不自在。 [00:39.30] frugal adj.节约的 n.frugality [00:43.35] A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds. 一个好的经营者节约使用资金。 [00:47.62] insolvent adj.无力偿还的;破产的 n.insolvency [00:51.26] The newspapers accused the government of being insolvent in its debts. 报纸指控政府无力偿还债务。 [00:56.05] nausea n.晕船 v.nauseate [00:59.79] Most passengers of the ship were seized with nausea during the storm at sea. 船上大多数乘客在风暴中晕船。 [01:06.10] redeem v.赎回 n.redemption [01:09.65] She had no way to redeem her furniture out of pawn. 她无法赎回她当掉的家具。 [01:13.91] seep v.渗入 n.seepage [01:17.39] They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof the tunnel. 他们用防水的水泥阻止水从坑道的顶上渗入。 [01:22.61] symmetry n.对称 adj.symmetrical [01:26.16] A swollen cheek spoiled the symmetry of his handsome face. 一边肿的面颊破坏了他英俊的脸庞的对称。 [01:30.30] ......Part 2...... ......第二部分...... [01:34.67] aggravate v.使更坏 n.aggravation [01:36.66] New York's hot weather is often aggravated by its humidity. 由于潮湿,使得纽约炎热的天气更加恶劣。 [01:42.10] balmy adj.温和的 [01:45.24] A balmy breeze was blowing across the beautiful lake. 一阵温和的微风拂过美丽的湖面。 [01:49.37] culmination n.极点;顶点 v.culminate [01:52.68] The culmination of the doctor's life's work was his discovery of a cure of cancer. 那位医生一生工作中最高的成就,便是在癌症冶疗上的发现。 [01:59.45] endorse v.签名于(票据等的)背面n.endorsement [02:03.42] The storekeeper endorsed my bill when I paid the full amount. 当我把钱付清时,店主在帐单后签了名。 [02:07.98] hygiene n.卫生学 ajd.hygienic [02:11.36] The main field of hygiene in concerned with healthy living and cleanliness. 卫生学的主要范围和健康的生活及清洁有关。 [02:17.24] intangible adj.不能触摸的 n.intangibility [02:20.75] Sound is intangible and the same is true of light. 声和光都是不可触摸的。 [02:26.26] oblivious adj.忘记的 n.oblivion [02:29.87] Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him. 祖父坐在火炉旁,忘却了周遭的一切。 [02:35.95] rite n.仪式 adj.ritual [02:39.25] The funeral will be performed according to church rites. 葬礼将依据教会的仪式来举行。 [02:43.39] simulate n.假装 adj.simulative [02:46.53] Her story was boring, but he simulated interest to please her. 虽然她的故事令人厌倦,但他假装有兴趣以取悦她。 [02:51.83] transcribe v.以另一种文字或符号写出 n.transcript [02:56.13] The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer's shorthand notes. 审判的记录由速记员的速记符号翻译出来。 [03:01.99] ......Part 3...... ......第三部分...... [03:05.41] annex v.合并 n.annexation [03:08.10] The United States annexed Texas in 1845. 1845年美国合并了德州。 [03:13.27] brew v.1.酿造 2.图谋 [03:17.33] Some people brew beer at home for home use. 有些有在家中酿啤酒以供自用。 [03:21.02] The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief. 那些在角落说消消话的男孩子们正企图捣乱。 [03:26.67] deride v.嘲笑 [03:29.52] The boys derided him for his fear of the darkness. 男孩们嘲笑他怕黑。 [03:33.39] evaluate v.评估 [03:37.40] She always evaluates people by their clothes. 她总是由衣着来评估人。 [03:41.33] imminent adj.即将来临的 [03:43.60] Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over he waterfall. 被一阵急速的水流冲走之后,他正面临着被冲下瀑布的危险。 [03:50.04] judicious adj.明智的 [03:53.76] A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically. 明智的历史学家以小心翼翼、批判性的态度权衡事实。 [03:59.59] preponderance n.(数目,重量,力量之)优势 [04:03.08] There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August. 七、八月间炎热的日子最多。 [04:08.38] sage adj.明智的 [04:11.40] Many sage staffs around the commander helped him win the battle. 司令官身旁许多明智的参谋帮助他赢了那场战役。 [04:16.94] specter n.幽灵 [04:19.90] The specter of the murdered man haunted the house. 被谋杀的鬼魂常在这间屋子出没。 [04:24.03] tumult n.骚动 [04:27.66] The shout of "Fire" caused a great tumult in the theater. “失火”的喊叫声使得剧院大乱。 [04:33.13] ......Part 4...... ......第四部分...... [04:37.43] apathy n.漠不关心;冷漠 [04:39.12] Her apathy since her husband's death worries her children. 自从丈夫死后,她的冷淡使得孩子们感到忧虑。 [04:43.65] collide v.冲突 [04:46.40] If the aims of two countries collide, there many he a war. 两国的目标如果冲突,可能引起战争。 [04:51.11] drape v.悬挂 [04:53.82] The buildings were draped with red, white, and blue bunting. 屋子上悬挂着红白蓝三色的旗帜。 [04:57.77] fatuous adj.愚昧的 [05:01.75] After his boring speech for over an hour, the fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience. 经过一小时多令人厌倦的演讲后,那愚昧的演说者期待着听众的掌声。 [05:09.75] impudent adj.厚颜的 [05:13.20] The impudent boy made faces at the teacher. 那厚颜的男孩对老师扮鬼脸。 [05:17.57] meditate v.考虑 [05:21.50] I could have given a much better answer if I had enough time to meditate. 若是我有足够的时间来考虑,便能有一个好得多的回答。 [05:26.83] purify v.洗除罪恶 [05:30.27] This music seems to purify one's spirit of evil thoughts. 这音乐似乎能消除人罪恶的念头。 [05:35.18] sagacious adj.精明的 [05:38.91] A sagacious businessman seldom fails in his business. 精明的商人在生意上很少失败。 [05:43.76] suave adj.文雅的 [05:47.36] The secretary's beautiful figure and suave manners made the office bright. 秘书美丽的身材及文雅的态度,使得办公室为之一亮。 [05:53.14] vigilance n.警醒 [05:56.32] The watchman who caught the thief was praised for his vigilance. 那抓到小偷的巡夜者,因其警觉受到赞赏。