[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.39]It is also the largest green turtle breeding ground in the world. 这里还是世界上最大的绿海龟繁殖地。 [00:07.09]Having mated ashore, thousands of females pull themselves up the beach to lay their eggs. 它们在浅海交配,成千上万只雌海龟游到岸边产卵。 [00:13.02]The record is 26,000 turtles in a single night. 一晚上就有多达26000只海龟。 [00:18.04]They turn a remote desert island into a clowded frenzied nocturnal activity. 它们把一个偏僻荒芜的小岛变成了狂热喧闹的夜店。 [00:49.38]Wind and waves have created an island that for a amoment at least has just right conditions to support this incredible spectacle. 海风和海浪造就了这个岛屿,至少在这一刻,这里才能承载这种壮观的景象。 [00:59.05]But the island still changes every year, every season, and the reef itself never stays the same for long. 岛屿仍然在变,每一年,每一季,珊瑚礁也在不停的变。 [01:07.01]Twice a day, life along the length of the Great Barrier Reef has to cope with complete upheaval, as the rhythm of the moon causes tides to flood and drain the reef. 一天2次,大堡礁海岸线沿岸的生命不得不面对彻头彻尾的巨变,因为月亮周期的变化使得潮涨潮落。