[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00] Unit3 Conversation1 单元三 对话一 [00:08.94] Who is going to bring the food? 谁要带食物来? [00:11.00] A: I'm really looking forward to hiking. 我真的很期待徒步旅行。 [00:14.40] B: Me too. By the way, how are we going to get there? I can't drive. 我也是。顺便问一下,你要怎么去那里?我不会开车。 [00:19.30] A: That's ok. I'll borrow my parents' car. 没关系。我会借我父母的车。 [00:22.30] B: That's good. Who is going to bring the food? 那会好点。谁要带食物来? [00:25.10] A: Kevin will make some chicken sandwiches. 凯文会做一些鸡肉三明治。 [00:28.00] B: Perfect. Do we have to leave early? I may oversleep myself. . 太完美了。我们得很早出发吗?我自己可能会睡过头。 [00:32.20] A: If you want, I'll call you in the morning. 如果你愿意,我早上会叫你。 [00:35.00] B: Thanks. Are we going to hike all day? I'm not in shape. 谢谢,我们全天都会徒步旅行吗?我还没准备好。 [00:39.00] A: Don't worry. We'll plan a short walk this time. 别担心。这次我们会安排一个短的步行。