[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00] Unit 10 Conversation 2 单元十 对话二 [00:06.90] How long have you worked there? 你在那里工作多长时间了? [00:09.00] A: Nice to meet you, Ms. Choi. Who do you work for now? 见到你很高兴,蔡女士。你现在为谁工作? [00:13.00] B: I work for Nicon Publishing. 我在Nicon出版社工作。 [00:15.00] A: How long have you worked there? 你在那里工作多长时间了? [00:16.50] B: I've worked there since I graduated from my college. 自从我大学毕业我就在那里工作。 [00:19.30] A: How long have you been in charge of the editing division? 你负责编辑部分多长时间了? [00:22.40] B: I've been in charge of it for 2 years. 已经负责它2年了。 [00:24.80] A: Have you studied journalism? 你学习过新闻专业吗? [00:26.60] B: No, I haven't studied it before. But I have taken part in many seminars about editing. 不,我之前没有学习过它。但是我已经参加了很多有关编辑的研讨会。 [00:32.00] A: Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。