[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00] Unit 11 Conversation 1 单元十一 对话一 [00:06.97] I haven't talked with her since last month. 自从上个月以来我们就没有聊过。 [00:09.50] A: Have you heard about Jessica lately? 最近你说过杰西卡吗? [00:12.70] B: No. I haven't talked with her since last month. 没有,自从上个月以来我们就没有聊过。 [00:16.00] A: She broke her arm. 她摔伤了她的手臂。 [00:17.60] B: Oh, that's terrible. How did it happen? 哦,那太糟了。怎么发生的? [00:20.30] A: She went skiing and had a bad fall. 她去滑雪了,摔了一跤。 [00:23.00] B: Oh, I see. What about school? 哦,我明白了。学校怎么样? [00:25.00] A: She has decided to drop out of college and become a musician. 她已经决定从大学退学,变成一名音乐人。 [00:28.50] B: That is what she always wanted to do. 那是她一直想做的事情。