[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.22]Hey, Akane, the other day we were coming home on the bus 嘿,茜,那天我们坐公交车回家, [00:04.59]and I got off the bus and I thought you were on the same bus as us, 我觉得你和我们在同一辆公交车上, [00:09.12]but when I started walking home, you weren't around. What happened? 可是我下车往家走的时候,并没有看到你。发生什么事了? [00:12.36]Well, it's kind of a funny story actually. 这实际上有点搞笑。 [00:15.38]I fell asleep on the bus and I was so tired that afternoon. 那天我在公交车上睡着了,因为我那天下午太累了。 [00:22.38]It was a Friday afternoon and I'd had a long week and just fell deep into sleep 那是周五下午,整整工作一周很累,所以我睡着了, [00:28.50]and I really didn't notice when we were at the end of the bus ride and we were at the station, 我真的没有注意到我们到了公交车总站, [00:37.54]and then I was really upset because the bus driver didn't say anything 之后我非常恼火,因为公交车司机什么都没说, [00:42.35]and so I just kept sleeping and by the time I woke up and noticed we were on our way back to the school again. 我只是一直在睡觉,等我醒过来的时候我发现我们正在返回学校的路上。 [00:53.26]Yes, and I didn't get a chance to press the button and get off until I was almost halfway to the school, 离学校还有一半路程的时候我才有机会按按钮下车, [01:01.46]so I ended up getting home really late and even more tired and it wasn't a very good experience at all. 所以我非常晚才到家,而且我更累了,那次经历太糟糕了。 [01:10.10]Did you say anything to the bus driver when you got off? 你下车的时候有没有跟公交车司机说什么? [01:13.12]No, I didn't because I was so flustered and I was in a rush to get off that I didn't really get to say anything. 没有,我没有说的原因是我太慌乱了,而且我很着急下车,所以我什么都没说。 [01:20.37]Oh, that must have been so annoying. 哦,那一定很让人生气。 [01:23.33]It was. 的确是。 [01:24.28]So what time did you actually make it home? 那你几点到的家? [01:26.45]I think it was around 7:30, maybe. 我想大概7点半左右。 [01:32.24]Well, the next time we come home, I'll look for you and I'll make sure to wake you up. 嗯,下次回家的时候我会注意你的,而且我保证会叫醒你。 [01:35.24]For sure, and make sure to look in the back seat and make sure I'm not lying down horizontally 一定要确保看看后排的座位,确保我没有平躺在椅子上, [01:42.03]because I think that's maybe how the bus driver missed out on the fact I was there. 因为我想那可能是公交车司机没有意识到我在那里的原因。