[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.07]I go to church and I'm going to tell you what it looks like inside my church. 我去了教堂,我要跟大家讲讲我去的教堂什么样。 [00:09.31]Firstly, when you go in, there's normally someone at the door who greets you and they give you a hymn book. 首先,你进入教堂的时候,通常会有人在门口欢迎你,他们会给你一份赞美诗集。 [00:19.01]Hymns are songs and we have a book full of songs, 赞美诗是歌曲,我们有一本写满歌曲的书, [00:25.49]then in the main part of the church, we sit on pews. 我们在教堂里的大部分时间都坐在教堂里的长椅上。 [00:31.03]Pews are like long wooded seats and the pews in my church are quite big. 那是种长长的木头椅子,我去的那家教堂的长椅非常大。 [00:37.33]You can fit about ten, or fifteen people, on one pew. 一个长椅可以坐10个或是15个人。 [00:45.49]The minister, he's the man who leads the service, is at the front of the church. 主持仪式的牧师会站在教堂的前部。 [00:53.27]He stands behind the pulpit, which is a wooden box, and he puts the bible on that box. 他站在教堂讲坛的后面,讲坛是一个木制的台子,牧师会把圣经放在那个台子上面。 [01:03.36]There are lots of stained glass windows in my church. 我去的教堂有许多彩色玻璃窗。 [01:07.51]They are windows with colored glass in them, 就是那种有颜色的玻璃窗, [01:11.44]and they often have pictures in them, normally pictures of stories in the bible. 通常上面会有图画,一般来说图面是圣经里的故事。 [01:20.26]We also have an organ in church, and somebody plays the organ every week. 教堂里还有一个风琴,有人会每周演奏那个风琴。 [01:27.45]The organ pipes are at the front and it's very loud. 风琴管放在前面,可是声音很大。 [01:33.05]However, we also have a piano, and a small group of people who do singing on other days. 我们也有钢琴,一小群人会在其他日子里唱歌。 [01:42.43]I really like my church. 我真的很喜欢我去的教堂。 [01:45.11]I like the atmosphere there and I really think it's a friendly place. 我喜欢那里的气氛,而且我认为那里是一个友好的地方。