[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:01.94]How was the movie? 电影怎么样? [00:03.51]I enjoyed it. 我很喜欢。 [00:04.36]He fell asleep. 他睡着了。 [00:05.36]I enjoy sleeping. 我喜欢的就是睡觉。 [00:06.70]How was dinner? 晚饭如何? [00:07.29]Really nice place. 真是个好地方。 [00:08.37]It's really hard to enjoy dinner when you run a weight-loss center. 当你开减肥中心的时候实在是很难享受晚餐。 [00:11.57]If I get fat, there goes my fiscal year. 要是我长胖了,财源也就断了。 [00:13.44]Honey, you're not fat. 甜心,你并不胖。 [00:15.06]You're not about to open a branch in Boca. 你还没打算在Boca开一家分店吧。 [00:16.58]But thank you, sweetie. 但是谢谢你亲爱的。 [00:17.84]How'd everything go here? 家里怎样了? [00:19.10]Oh, yeah. Good. Great. 哦,好啊,很好呢。 [00:20.40]The kids ate and went to sleep. 孩子们吃完饭就去睡觉了 [00:24.61]Yeah, it... They're really bad children. 对啊他们实在是坏透了 [00:28.56]Okay, okay. Everybody goes to bed. 好了,好了,都去睡觉了 [00:30.35]I'm sending your father in there. 你们老爸马上就要过去了 [00:32.15]Whoa, we're so scared. 哇,我们好怕怕啊。 [00:36.60]And then I'm coming in. 那我就去了。 [00:40.34]I'll just go check to make sure they're still breathing. 我去看看,确保他们没被吓死。 [00:44.03]Hey, wanna do some stress eating? 嘿,想吃点东西吗? [00:45.30]Just a piece of diet cheesecake. 就一小块吉士蛋糕。 [00:47.04]This thing happened to me today... I don't know. I'm just gonna go home. 今天就这样了,我不知道,我就想回家。 [00:49.87]You seem so jumpy tonight. 你今晚看起来怎么这么神经质。 [00:51.50]You know, I feel a little guilty about something. 我因为一件事而感到有些罪恶。 [00:54.64]How unusual for you. 真难得。 [00:55.83]Okay, listen. I have to tell you. 好吧,听着,我得告诉你。 [00:57.92]I met that guy from that band you used to like. 我遇到了你喜欢的乐队的主唱。 [01:00.61]Alex Fletcher from PoP? POP乐队的Alex Fletcher? [01:02.26]Oh, my God. 哦,我的天啊! [01:03.01]Anyway, I do Jane's plant service. 不管怎样,我做的是简的工作。 [01:05.47]I'm taking over for her while she's gone. 她不在的时候我来代替她。 [01:07.02]And anyway, she does his apartment, so I was there. 她刚好打扫他的公寓,所以我就去了。 [01:09.98]Actually, it was the second time. 事实上,是第二次了。 [01:11.21]And he invited me to come see him perform tonight. 他邀请我今晚去看他的演出。 [01:14.11]Gary, I'm going out! Gary 我要出去了! [01:16.26]Oh, my God. I love him. 哦我的上帝啊我爱死他了 [01:18.25]I love him. I love him. I love him. 我爱死他了,我爱死他了,我爱死他了。 [01:21.30]That really wasn't the end of the story. 我还没说完呢。 [01:22.44]Come on. Help me dress. 过来,帮我打扮一下。 [01:24.70]Should I wear the red one? 我应该穿那件红色的吗?