[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]Welcome. I'm Carolyn Burnham. 欢迎光临,我是卡洛琳·伯纳姆。 [00:03.43]This living room is very dramatic. 这间客厅很气派, [00:07.00]Wait till you see the native stone fireplace! 壁炉是用上好石材砌成的, [00:09.18]A simple cream could really lighten things up. 粉刷一下便焕然一新。 [00:12.45]You could even put in a skylight. 你也可以装个天窗,那效果会更棒。 [00:15.22]Well, why don't we go into the kitchen? 我们去看看厨房吧, [00:20.30]It's a dream come true for any cook. Just filled with positive energy, huh? 这里简直就是美食家乐园,每个人都能当食神。 [00:25.37]And you'll be surprised how much a ceiling fan can cut down on your energy costs. 你也一定会惊讶电吊扇可以省下一大笔电费呢, [00:31.38]You know, you could have some really fun backyard get-togethers out here. 还有后院可以举行很棒的烤肉大会。 [00:40.27]The ad said this pool was lagoon-like. There's nothing lagoon-like. 广告说泳池很像蓝色珊瑚礁,看来这一点也不像。 [00:43.52]Except for maybe the bugs. There aren't even any plants out here. 不过这里只有一大堆蚊子,连花草都没有。 [00:48.31]What do you call this? Is this not a plant? 这些呢?这不是花草吗? [00:51.23]If you have a problem with the plants, I can always call my landscape architect. Solved. 你们要花草我就找园丁来一次搞定。 [00:56.09]I mean, I think lagoon, I think waterfall, tropical. This is a cement hole. 珊瑚礁应该有热带风味,可这只是个水泥坑。 [01:03.56]I have some tiki torches in the garage. 车库里有火把。