[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.15]Practice Time 练习时光 [00:03.57]...music is my life. ……音乐是我的生命。 [00:05.33]Yes, I agree, I can't live without music either. 是的,我同意,我也无法过没有音乐的日子。 [00:10.01]It seems to fulfill my life. 音乐似乎成就了我的生活, [00:12.22]The right music can change my mood and let me feel, and do what I want. 对味的音乐可以改变我的心情,让我有所感动并做我想做的事, [00:17.19]Do you know what I mean? 你懂我的意思吗? [00:18.52]I know exactly what you mean. It makes me feel the same way. 我十分明白你的意思,音乐也使我有同样的感觉。 [00:23.58]Why did you come to this gig? 你为什么来参加这个演唱会? [00:26.19]Well, I think rap music is kind of cool, and the rhythm is easy to dance to. 嗯,我觉得说唱乐有些酷,而且节奏分明,容易跟着起舞。 [00:32.38]And this guy has got to be the best vocalist. I listen to him again and again. 况且,这个人已经成为最好的歌星。我一遍又一遍地听他的歌。 [00:39.10]I'm a bit of a groupy for this guy too. I love to dance to is music in the discos. 我也有点迷这个人,在迪斯科舞厅,我爱听他的音乐跳舞。 [00:45.20]It's got a quick tempo, a nice rhythm, and a heavy beat. 他的音乐速度快,有节奏感,节拍很强烈。 [00:50.33]Do you like reggae? That's got a similiar heavy beat. 你喜欢雷盖乐吗?它也有类似的重节拍。 [00:54.38]No, not really. The beat is right, but the tempo is too slow, like soul, jazz and blues. 不,不很喜欢。节拍不错,但是速度太慢,像是灵魂乐、爵士乐及布鲁斯曲, [01:01.49]And it's impossible to dance to. 而且根本不可能跟着跳舞。