[by:可可英语网~m.moreplr.com] [00:02.14]Oh hi, Mrs. Dabney. 噢 嗨 达布尼太太 [00:05.20]I see you people have a dog now. 我看见你们家的人弄了条狗来 [00:10.41]Oh, I'm doing fine, thanks.How are you? 呃,我最近不错,多谢关心,你呢 [00:13.92]Let me explain something to you. 我有事得和你说清楚 [00:16.17]Your dog makes my Cat nervous. 你们的狗让我家的猫神经紧张 [00:18.61]And when my Cat gets nervous, I get nervous. 我家猫一神经紧张 我就跟着神经紧张 [00:21.21]And when I get nervous, Mr. Dabney gets nervous. 我一神经紧张 达布尼先生就神经紧张 [00:25.17]Then what happens? 那接下来如何 [00:26.54]Mr. Dabney goes to stay with his mother. 达布尼先生会住到他妈妈家 [00:30.94]So this dog thing is not entirely bad. 因此你们养狗看起来也没那么坏 [00:33.82]All right, we're done here. 行了 我们谈话结束了 [00:36.37]Oh, Mrs. Dabney,before you go,Um, I need some more practice hours.Before I take my driver's test,So if you ever need a chauffeur, I'm your girl. 噢,达布尼太太,先别走.呃 我需要些练车的时间,在我拿到驾照之前,你需要司机的话 我愿意给你当 [00:46.08]Let's go. 那么走吧 [00:51.18]Right now? 就现在 [00:52.07]I've got a bunch of errands to run. 我有一堆事要做 [00:53.32]And if you drive, I can play word jumble on my cell phone. 如果你来开 我就能在手机上玩猜字游戏了 [00:58.83]Actually I do that anyway,but this way it's legal. 其实我开车时一直玩 只不过这样合法罢了