[00:00:14]New Words 新单词 [00:01:56]concrete adj. 具体的 [00:03:33]addition n. 加 [00:05:08]subtraction n. 减 [00:06:28]multiplication n. 乘 [00:08:22]division n. 除 [00:09:50]frequently adv. 频繁地 [00:11:24]withdraw v. 取出 [00:12:58]formula n. 公式,程式 [00:14:22]plus prep. 加 [00:15:32]minus prep. 减 [00:17:04]compound v. 合成 [00:18:50]times n. 倍 [00:20:14]divide v. 除 [00:21:48]Phrases & Expressions 短语汇 [00:24:15]deal with 处理,对付,应付 [00:25:39]interest rate 利率 [00:27:16]Madam, you have just said that our future work deals with numbers, but what concrete work do you mean? 老师,你方才说我们将来的工作是同数目打交道,但你具体指的是什么工作? [00:34:29]Madam, please explain this. 老师,请你解释一下。 [00:36:49]All right. This is a good question. There are, in general, four processes in accounting: 好,这个问题提得好。一般说来,在会计业务中有四个方面, [00:43:40]addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The most frequently used is addition. 即加,减,乘,除。最频繁使用的计算是加法。 [00:51:45]Every day we have many current accounts, and every account withdraws money or makes some deposits. 每天我们有很多往来帐目,每位帐户要就是取款,或是存款。 [00:58:41]When do we use subtraction for current accounts? 在往来帐户中什么时候要用减法呢? [01:02:40]Very simple. When an amount of money is withdrawn, you must subtract this number from the general deposit, 很简单,例如是取款,你就得存款总额中减去取款的数, [01:10:04]then write the new amount of deposit in the account book. 然后在存折上写上新的存款总额。 [01:13:23]How do we use English to say this? 那么我们用英语怎样说呢? [01:20:46]The formulas for addition:7+9=16, 239+145=384. We say 'seven and nine is (or are) sixteen', 这里看两个算式:7+9=16,239+145=384。第一个算式我们这样说:seven and nine is (或用are)sixteen, [01:32:30]but in the latter three-digit number, we should use 'plus' instead of 'and', 但在第二个算式中三位数字的加法法则不用and,而用plus, [01:39:31]we say 'two hundred and thirty-nine plus one (a) hundred and forty-five is (or equals) three hundred and eighty-four.' 我们得这样说:two hundred and thirty-nine plus one (或用a)hundred and forty-five is leaves(或用equals)three hundred and eighty-four。 [01:50:13]How about subtraction? 那减法怎样说呢? [01:53:48]Look at these two formulas:8-5=3, 543-216=327. In the first formula, 看这两个算题:8-5=3 ,543-216=327。第一个算式, [01:59:26]we say 'five from eight leaves (or is) three', or 'eight minus five is three'. 我们说:five from eight leaves(或用is )three ,另一种说法是:eight miuns five is three。 [02:08:07]In the latter threedigit number we should use 'minus': 在第二个三位数字算式我们应该用“minus”, [02:12:29]five hundred and forty-three minus two hundred and sixteen equals three hundred and twenty-seven. 我们就得这样说:five hundred and forty-three minus two hundred and sixteen equals three hundred and twenty-seven。 [02:26:34]When do we use multiplication and division? 什么时候我们用乘法和除法? [02:30:53]Multiplication and division are used to calculate interest rates. 乘法,除法用在计算利率。 [02:35:37]Every savings deposit compounds the amount of interest. 每一个存款帐本中都包含有利息。 [02:43:28]We should use 'times' or 'multiply' to express this. For the simple formul4*6=24, 这种乘法我们得用times或是multiply 来表示。拿这个4*6=24简单的算式来说吧, [02:47:52]we can say four sixes are twenty-four, but for the larger numbers, such as 18*243=4374 我们说four sixes are twenty-four ,但在大数目中,如18*243=4372, [02:54:03]we say eighteen times two hundred and fortythree makes (or is) four thousand three hundred and seventy-four, 我们就得说:eighteen times two hundred and forty-three makes(或用is)four thousand three hundred and seven-four, [03:11:50]but more formally:18 multiplied by 243 equals 4374. 但一般较正式的用法是:18 multiplied by 243 equals 4374。 [03:18:56]Is division used in accounting? 在会计工作中除法用不用? [03:21:33]Well, in big firms, companies, enterprises, joint ventures and others, 在大商行,大公司,大企业和联合企业等大的金融机构内, [03:27:08]sometimes the amount of investments are large, 有时投资的量相当大, [03:30:20]and everyday current accounts are very complex, so all those processes have to be used. 每天的往来帐目又相当复杂,所以这几种计算法都得用上。 [03:36:30]Can you give us some examples on division? 能不能再给我们举个例子说说除法? [03:40:09]A simple one is 9/3=3, we say three into nine goes three; 如简单的算题9/3=3,我们说:three into nine goes three: [03:50:21]296/8=37, we say two hundred and ninety-six divided by eight equals thirty-seven. 在大多数除法算式中如296/8=37,我们得说two hundred and ninety-six divided by eight equals thirty-seven。 [03:57:47]Thanks a lot, Madam! 多谢你,老师。