[00:00:16]New Words 新单词 [00:01:52]manual adj. 用手操作的 [00:03:06]objection n. 反对,异议 [00:04:42]invest v. 投资 [00:05:55]accountant n. 会计员 [00:07:10]portable adj. 手提式的 [00:08:43]programming n. 编制的程序 [00:10:26]import v. 进口 [00:11:49]secretary n. 秘书 [00:13:08]Phrases & Expressions 短语汇 [00:14:59]electric typewriter 电动打字机 [00:17:02]China Institute of Finance and Banking 中国金融学院 [00:20:03]traffic accident 交通事故 [00:21:15]1.Does she use an electric typewriter? 1.她现在用电动打字机吗? [00:26:06]No, she uses a manual one. 不,她用一般打字机。 [00:28:33]2.Does he have any objection to our investing abroad? 他反对我们向国外投资吗? [00:33:17]No, he doesn't. 他不反对。 [00:35:01]3.Does this computer do anything else? 3.这台计算机还能处理其他工作吗? [00:38:39]Yes, it can also make deposit and transfer from any account. 能,它还能处理任何帐目的存款和转帐。 [00:42:23]4.Does she like playing maths games? 4.她喜欢玩数学游戏吗? [00:46:17]Yes, she is good at maths, so of course she likes these games. 她喜欢,她数学好,当然乐意玩。 [00:50:21]5.Does your store have a catalog listing books and their prices? 5.你们书店有没有售书的目录和价格表? [00:55:17]Yes, our accountant keeps it. 有,有我们的会计员那里。 [00:58:01]6.Does she happen to remember our days in the China Institute of Finance and Banking? 6.她还能回忆起我们在中国金融学院一起学习的年代吗? [01:04:20]No, after the traffic accident she lost much of her memory. 不,自发生车祸后她的记忆力已大大减退了。 [01:08:54]7.Does a portable typewriter cost much? 7.买一台手提打字机贵吗? [01:12:45]A homemade typewriter costs less than an imported one maybe. 我们国产打字机可能要比进口的便宜。 [01:16:37]8.Does he like both his subjects? 8.他学的两门课都喜欢吗? [01:19:47]He likes computer programming. He doesn't like accounting. 他喜欢计算机程序编制,而不喜欢会计学。 [01:24:06]9.Does he live near his school? 9.他就住在学校附近吗? [01:27:30]No, He lives a long way from his school. 不,他的家离学校很远。 [01:30:19]10.Does Mary leave for school at eight or nine o'clock? 10.玛丽早上8点还是9点去上学? [01:34:56]She leaves for school at eight o'clock. 她早上8点钟去学校。 [01:37:00]11.He takes a bus home after class, doesn't he? 11.放学后他乘公共汽车回家,是吗? [01:41:28]No. He drives home. 不,他自己开汽车回家。 [01:43:35]12.Our secretary doesn't live with her family, does she? 12.我们的秘书不同她家里的人住在一起,是不是? [01:48:02]Yes, she does. 不,她同她的家人住在一起。