[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]That ran counter to our core belief. 这将同我们的核心信念背道而驰 [00:04.11]Technology should benefit everyone. 技术应当让每个人受益 [00:07.33]So we worked to close the digital divide. 于是我们开始行动 试图缩小这一数字鸿沟 [00:10.98]I made a priority at Microsoft, 我原来在微软 [00:14.07]and Melinda and I made it an early priority at our Foundation. 以及我和梅琳达在盖茨基金会早期都确立了 [00:17.97]Donating personal computers to public libraries 向公共图书馆捐赠个人计算机这一优先事务 [00:21.83]to make sure that everyone had access. 以帮助每个人获得计算机使用权 [00:24.96]The digital divide was a focus of mine in 1997, 1997年 这一数字鸿沟是我的主要关注焦点 [00:30.90]when I took my first trip to South Africa. 当时我是第一次去南非 [00:34.49]I went there on business. 我是出公差 [00:36.92]So I spent most of my time in meetings in downtown Johannesburg. 大多数时间都在约翰内斯堡中心城区开会 [00:41.45]I stayed in the home of one of the richest families of South Africa. 住在南非国内非常有钱的一位富豪家里 [00:45.71]It had only been three years since the election of Nelson Mandela 当时离纳尔逊?曼德拉当选只有三年时间 [00:50.84]marked the end of apartheid. 种族隔离刚刚终结 [00:53.42]When I sat down for dinner with my hosts, 我同屋子的主人坐在一起用餐 [00:56.20]they used a bell to call the butler. 主人用铃来呼唤仆人 [00:58.84]After dinner, the women and men separated and the men smoked cigars. 餐后 女人们会和男人们分开 男人们会去抽雪茄 [01:03.25]I thought, good thing I read Jane Austen, 我心想 幸好我读过简·奥斯汀的作品 [01:06.81]or I wouldn't have known what was going on. 否则我估计根本无法理解这里发生了什么