[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:22]Is that Jenna's file? 是詹娜的档案吗 [00:01:19]No, I got Toby's. 不是 我找到的是托比的 [00:03:05]Turns out Jenna wasn't the patient. 结果我发现詹娜不是病人 [00:04:52]The therapist had her come in for one session 医生只叫她来了一次 是为了 [00:06:37]To see how she felt about Toby coming back home. 观察托比回家的事对她有没有影响 [00:08:31]Oh, my god. Well, what else does it say? 天哪 上面还写什么了 [00:12:30]Well, the dates prove he 从这上面的日期上看 [00:13:18]wasn't away at school when Ali disappeared. 艾莉失踪的时候他没有离开学校 [00:14:56]He was still here in Rosewood. 他一直都在玫瑰镇 [00:16:48]What else? 其它的呢 [00:17:14]See for yourself. 你自己看看吧 [00:19:08]Session 12, August 15th. 第12期 8月15日 [00:21:08]Think I didn't see what was going on in there? 你以为里面发生的事我没看见吗 [00:25:30]It's not what it looked like. 事情不是你看到那样的 [00:26:42]Maybe not to you. 对你来说也许不是 [00:27:37]What are you doing here, anyway? 对了 你在这干嘛 [00:28:54]What the hell did I ever do to you? 我到底对你做过什么 [00:30:12]You've been peeping in my window for years. 你在我家窗下偷窥我很久了 [00:31:53]I never looked in your window. 我从没偷窥过你 [00:33:30]Well, I've looked in yours, 好吧 我可偷窥过你 [00:34:35]And we're not taking the blame for this. 我们不会对这件事承担责任的 [00:36:31]Oh, yes, you are. 不 你们要负责 [00:38:10]No, not unless you want the entire world to know 除非你想让全世界都知道 [00:40:27]How close you are with your stepsister. 你和你同母异父的妹妹有多暧昧 [00:42:54]You talk, and I'll make sure 你敢乱说话 我保证 [00:44:15]Everybody knows you've been doing it with her. 让大家都知道你们的事 [00:47:08]So that's what Ali had on him? 所以这就是艾丽手中的把柄 [00:49:47]It's enough to want her dead. 也是托比杀她的动机 [00:53:27]And us. 也是杀我们的 [00:53:59]Emily! 艾米丽