[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]Unit Seventeen: 卖方对支付方式的要求 [00:02.19]471.Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit in our favour, reaching us one month ahead of shipment. 我们通常的支付方式是以我方为台头人的、保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,并且必须在发货前的一个月寄达我方 [00:17.15]472.We proposed to pay by 30 d/s. 我方建议支付见票后30天付款的汇票 [00:21.46]473.The terms of payment we wish to adopt are confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit. 我方希望的付款方式是保兑的、不可撤消的信用证 [00:31.37]474.We should like to advise you that payment by collection is acceptable. 我方想告诉贵方的是,以托收形式来支付货款,我方是可以接受的 [00:39.56]475.We would prefer you to pay in US dollars. 我方更希望贵方用美元支付 [00:44.15]476.According to the contract, after receipt of the preliminary shipping advice, you are kindly requested to open with the Bank of China the relative L/C in our favour within ten days. 按照合同,在收到第一次装运通知后,请贵方在10日内在中国银行开立以我方为台头人的相关信用证 [00:58.12]477.Payment of the purchase is to be effected by an irrevocable letter of credit in our favour, payable by draft at sight in pounds sterling in London. 货款应该是以我们为抬头人的、不可撤消的凭即期汇票在伦敦即付英镑的信用证 [01:11.27]478.We don’t accept payment in US dollars. Please conclude the business in terms of Swiss francs. 我方不收美元,请最好用瑞士法郎来成交生意 [01:21.03]479.We require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment. 我方要求货款以装运日前一个月抵达我方的信用证来支付 [01:27.42]480.We require immediate payment upon presentation of shipping documents. 我方要求贵方在收到货运单据后,立刻支付货款 [01:36.18]481.Payment by irrevocable letter of credit is convenient for us and we shall draw a 60d/s bill in your bank. 不可撤消的信用怔的支付方式对我方来说比较方便,所以我方将向贵方银行开立见票后60天付款的汇票 [01:45.09]482.We will draw you a documentary draft at sight through our bank on collection basis. 我方将通过我方银行以托收的形式开出跟单即期汇票向贵方收款 [01:53.22]483.Our terms of payment are 30-day credit period, not 60-day credit. It’s customary. 我方的付款期是30天、不是60天,这是惯例 [02:01.26]484.As usual, we should require of you an L/C to be issued through a first-rate bank. 同往常一样,我方要求贵方通过一流银行开出信用证 [02:11.42]485.It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L/C as early as possible enable us to effect shipment in due time. 我方建议贵方尽早开立有关信用证,以便我方及时发货 [02:22.52]486.We propose paying by TT when the shipment is ready. 我方建议在货物准备好待运时用电汇付款 [02:29.39]487.We regret having to inform you that we cannot accept payment by D/P. 我方很遗憾地告诉贵方我方不能接受付款交单的付款方式 [02:35.34]488.We regret to say that we are unable to consider your request for payment under D/A terms. 我方遗憾地告诉贵方不能考虑你们用承兑交单的方式来支付付款的请求 [02:43.37]489.You can pay for all or part of the equipment and technology purchased from us in resultant products. 贵方可以用直接产品全部或部分偿付从我方购买的设备和技术 [02:54.07]490.Since you are not short of cash, we can arrange for your payment over 2 months without charges of any kind. 既然你方目前缺少现金,我們可以安排你們两个月以后再付款,而不附加任何费用 [03:02.17]491. As a special case , we may consider accepting your payments by D/P. 作为特例,我方可以考虑贵方用付款交单的方式支付货款 [03:12.34]492.If the amount of each transaction is below $500, we agree to D/A 30 days terms. 如果每笔交易额低于500美元的話,我方同意见票后30天承兑单交的付款条件 [03:22.27]493.We could grant you the favourable terms of payment as D/A 45 days after sight. 我方可以给贵方见票45天承兑交单付款的优惠条件 [03:30.45]494.In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepare to accept payment by D/P at sight. 由于这次交易不大,我方准备接受即期付款交单的付款方式 [03:40.59]495.D/P or D/A is only accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is less the £1,000. 如果每笔交易额少于1000英镑,我方就只接受付款交单或承兑交单 [03:52.36]496.We request a 10% payment at the time of ordering . The remaining amount must be paid within 60 days. 我方要求在下订单时先支付10%的货款,剩余货款必须在60天内付清 [04:01.23]497.We can only accept 20% cash payment in local currency. The other 80% by L/C should reach us 15 to 30 days before the delivery. 如果使用当地货币的话,我方只接受20%的现金,其余的80%必须用信用证来支付,并在发货前15-30天寄达我方 [04:14.03]498. If the payment is made by installments, the annual interest is calculated by 6% and paid off at the end of each year. 如果分期付款的话,每年利息为6%,每年年底付清 [04:25.00]499.Full payments must be made within 60 days. 所有货款必須在60天之內全部付清 [04:30.46]500.The telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before the delivery date of vessel. 货款至少必须在货船抵达日之前的5天电汇到中国银行 [04:40.19]501.The letter of credit for each order shall reach us 30 days. 每批货物的信用证应在发货日前30天寄达我方 [04:45.10]502.15-20 days prior to the date of delivery, you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank. 在交货期15-20天前,贵方应凭开户银行开具的汇票付款 [04:59.30]503.The payment shall be made by telegraphic transfer to the bank of China , Head office ,Beijing, China, for our account, within five business days after the contract signature date. 货款必须在合同签署日后的第5个营业日内,用电汇方式汇入我方在中国银行,中国北京总行的帐户 [05:13.53]504.Advance payment of 25% of the contract value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of signing the contract. 合同签订之日后30天内预付合同价值的25% [05:21.33]505.The payment shall be made by five annual installments of 20% each. 货款将在5年内分期付款,每年支付22% [05:30.15]506.We require full payment within 45 days with a 15% discount for cash payment in advance. 我方要求在45天内付清所有货款,如果预付现金则享有15%的折扣 [05:38.11]507.The total amount mush be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents. 一收到货运单据,货款必须全数一次付清 [05:45.11]508.We require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment. 我方要求货款以装运期前一个月抵达我方的信用证支付 [05:52.24]509.You are requested to pay $5,000 as a down payment. 我方要求贵方支付5000美元作为定金 [05:58.46]510.Ten percent of the contract value shall be paid in advance by cash, and 90% by sight draft drawn under an L/C. 合同金额的10%应预付现金,而其余90%凭信用证开出即期汇款支付