[00:00:02] Right. 好了 [00:00:10] On my command, unleash hell. 听我命令 疯狂进攻 [00:03:02] Daddy! 爸爸 [00:14:47] Hello, darling. 嗨 宝贝 [00:28:01] Daddy, look! 爸爸 快看 [00:28:21] They 're bloody animals. 他们是禽兽 [00:31:55] Animals! 禽兽 [00:35:13] I 'm going to kill them! 我要杀了他们 [00:39:37] Try to remember what your behavioural therapist said. 记住行为治疗师的话 [00:44:16] Run along. 快去吧 [00:44:47] We 've entered bedlam. 我们进了疯人院 [00:46:00] The very gates of hell. 地狱之门 [00:47:20] I do not understand why you did not close this place years ago. 我不明白 你们部门为什么不早把这关了 [00:55:06] Because, Miss Bagstock, they can change. 柏格斯托克小姐 因为他们可以改 [00:57:11] And they will. 他们会改的 [00:57:29] Not this lot. 这个地方不会 [01:00:36] You 'd understand if you met their headmistress. 如果你见过女校长 你就会明白 [01:03:22] Between you and I, she's worse than the children. 我就只给你说 她比学生们还糟糕 [01:05:46] A Miss Fritton. 那个弗里敦小姐 [01:06:15] Camilla. 卡米拉 [01:06:32] Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing. 爱情是多么美妙啊 [01:07:41] That's right Completely barking mad. 没错 完全的疯狂 [01:17:12] Have you heard of her? 你听说过她吗 [01:19:19] Ah, Miss Bagstock. 柏格斯托克小姐 [01:20:01] Your girlish laughter hit me like the lash of a hunting crop. 你少女般的笑声 象猎鞭一样鞭打我的心 [01:24:32] Miss Fritton, I do not expect you 've met our new Minister of Education. 弗里敦小姐 我想你还没见过我们新的教育部长 [01:28:37] Love is a many splendoured thing. 爱情是多么美妙啊