July 21, 2005
Dear Susan,
How have you been lately, sis? Sorry I haven’t written in such a long time. How is Bill?
I talked to Dad on the phone the other day, and he mentioned that Jenny is starting junior high this year. The last time I saw her, she was just seven years old. It’s hard to believe she’s already a teenager. Time sure flies. Remember when we were teenagers and I used to tease you about your boyfriend?
Anyway, congratulate Jenny for me. I remember that she likes to listen to music, so I’m sending her a few CD coupons from Tower Records. I’d buy her some CDs, but I’m not sure what she listens to now.
I hope I’ll be able to go to California to visit you all someday soon.
Your loving brother,
史蒂夫 敬上
1. lately 近来.最近
例:David and bis wife have been arguing a lot lately.
2. sls 姊姊.妹妹(亲昵的称呼)
= sister(正式的称呼)
3. talk to sb on the phone和某人通电话
例:I haven't seen Chuck in years, but I talk to him on the phone every once in a while.
4. the other day前几天
例:We went to see that movie the other day.
5. mention 拍司vt.提及
not to mention,二更不用提/说……
= to say nothing of...
例:Even the countryside around the city is polluted, not to mention the city itself.
6. It's hard to believe she's. ..
= It’s hard to believe that she's. . .
7. teen 十几岁的少年/女
8. used to V以前曾经/常常……
be used toy-N/V-ing(人)习惯……
例:I used to live in a dorm with nine other people.
Sam is used to traveling alone.