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  Questions 13-20.
  . Read this letter alert explanation ofbusiness problems , and answer the questions that follow.
  Williams andCo.
  54 Jermyn Street
  London SW 1Y 6LX
  July, 1993
  Manager ofExport Sales
  Hilton Motorcycles Ltd.
  Fenley Works
  Dear Sir orMadam :
  We received your letter dated 2nd July, expressing yourdissatisfaction with the present level of your sales in Nigeria. We shall try toexplain as briefly as possible how it is that your competitors are doing so wellso that you may see why it is that we are not. We shall also suggest ways ofimproving the present situation. Our difficulties may be summarized as follows:
  1. Your competitors pay for extensive advertising in newspapers andmagazines that reach every corner of Nigeria. We receive no financial help foradvertising and do not receive sufficient commission to pay for itourselves.
  2. The company referred to in your letter sent a two-man team ona tour of six provinces in a specially equipped lorry containing the models theywished to publicize. Their agent had arranged displays in the towns they weredue to visit and had announced them in the local press. With such backing fromthe manufacturer ,high sales are inevitable !
  3. What sells well in Europedoes not necessarily sell well elsewhere. Your competitors know this and planaccordingly. They give maximum publicity to three or four models that are sureto sell well here. We would suggest that you do the same and concentrate on the98cc Speedy, the 250cc Hunter and the 350cc Hawk.
  4. In spite of theexcellent containership service between England and West Africa we are stillhaving to wait for too long for orders to be shipped. Once they have placed anorder, customers are impatient to receive it. Our present commission of 10/00does not allow us to undertake sales tours in other regions. Nigeria covers anarea of over 350 , 000 square miles and our present commission will not standthe expense of such trips.
  If you are prepared to increase our commissions,contribute to our travel expenses on the longer journeys and back us withadvertising. We are convinced that we can do as well as your competitors. Welook forward to your comments.
  Yours faithfully ,
  Williams andCo.
   Questions 13-16
  . For questions 13 -16 ,choose the correcttitle for each paragraph from the box below.
  . For each paragraph (1-4)mark one letter (AG) on your Answer Sheet.
  . Do not mark any lettertwice.
  13. Paragraph 1..........
  14. Paragraph 2..........
  15.Paragraph 3..........
  16. Paragraph 4..........
  A Deliveries andcommission
  B A two-man team
  C Proper models.
  D Moreadvertisements
  E Your competitors' successful methods
  F Expenses fortrips
  G Sales promotions
  Questions 17-20
  17. We are going to givea brief explanation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  18. Yourcompetitors' advertisements often appear in popular publications
  19. Hearis our suggestion that you follow their example and. . . . . . . . .
  20. Ifyou give us more financial assistance ,we believe., - . . . . . . . . -
  A.Why your competitors are doing better than us.
  B. that they wished topublicize.
  C. that we can catch up with your competitors.
  D. that youconcentrate on three models.
  E. that are sure to sell well.
  F. whichthey would certainly visit.
  G. that reach every corner of Nigeria.

  Questions 21-35
  . Read this text about a British business.
  .Choose the best word to fill each gap.
  . For each question (21-35) mark oneletter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
  . One answer has been given asan example.
  Jack Cohen and his wife Tessa began their small grocerybusiness on London's High Street in the early 1950s. Since that. . . . . .example. . . . . . . the company , TESCO , has grown to become .the UK's leadingfood retailer with annual sales of 6.4pounds billion and has . . . . . . 21. . .. . . a new reputation for quality and service. Its 384 stores in England,Scotland and Wales . . . . . .22. . `.` . . more than nine million customers perweek.
  In the 34 year old Colin Smith we can see TESCO's . . . . . . 23. . .. . . on value plus quality and service. Upon. . . . . . 24. . . . . . TESCO'smanagement team in 1987 as trading director for fresh meats ,he immediatelyfocused . . . . . . 25. . . . . . improving supply and distribution systems. Heset up a supplier certification program with strict specifications forprocessing facilities and livestock quality, plus . . . .. . 26. . . . . .quality checks at each TESCO distribution center and store.
  One of Smith'spriorities has been an. . . . . . 27. . . . . . lamb program. TESCO could notobtain enough fresh lamb to .. . . . 28. . . , . . deman4 and was . . . . . .29. . . . . . to fill in with frozen product. Smith turned to Cryovacspecialists who . . . . . .30. . . . . . with TESCO and its meat suppliers to .. . . . . 31. . . . . . the Problem.
  The . . . . . . 32. . . . . . was anew packaging system from Cryovac featuring a harder Cryovac Barrier Bag whichdramatically. . . . . . 33. . . . . . package damages. Vacuum packaged freshlamb now arrives at TESCO stores in the best condition year-round and saleshave. . . . . . 34. . . . . . to more than than 60 million pounds . . . . . .35. . . . . .
  A. period B. time C. year . D. day
  21. A. had B. done C. made D. established
  22. A. sell B. serve C.meet D. hold
  23. A. emphasis B. idea C. name D. import3nce
  24. A.becoming B. being C. entering D. joining
  25. A. on B. in C. at D.with
  26. A. nearby B. far C. further D. farther
  27. A. old B. improvedC. impossible D able
  28. A. ask B. answer C. satisfy D. question
  29.A. tried B. forced C. led D. set
  30. A. cooperate B. link C. study D.sit
  31. A. attack B. answer C. ask D. demand
  32. A. next B. first C.result D. beginning
  33. A. prevented B. stopped C. reduced D.increased
  34. A. enriched B. reached C. arrived D. grown
  35. A. dailyB. annually C. usually D. particularly





