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来源:可可英语 编辑:qihui   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Conversation 3
  Americans often converse on a first-name basis in a casual, friendly manner. If an American business person uses a first name in an introduction, it would be considered snobbish and unfriendly not to do the same. If you're unsure of how friendly or formal the situation is (in speech and in writing), use addresses such as Dr., Ms., Miss, Mrs. or Mr., along with the person's last name. If you're unsure of a woman's marital status, use Ms. [miz].
  1.3.1 I can assure you I'm a woman.
  E:I can assure you of its quality.
  1.3.2 You can't miss it.
  指路时候的常用语 , 给对方以信心 , 肯定不会错过 , 一定会找到的 . 注意 "can" 和 "can't " 的发音 .
  I can swim/ I can't swim. 重音不同
  Conversation 4
  A:SHNOS ,早上好,很高兴为您服务。
  B: 我是小强,从苏州打过来。我只是想告诉你们我本来应该 10 点来开销售会,可是我会迟些 A: 到。我十一点才能到。
  B: 谢谢您通知我们,强哥。我会转告他们的,我们期待着您一会儿见到您。
  A: 再见。

  4.1 This is ____ calling from______
  4.2 I just want to let you know that_____________
  4.3 I'm supposed to be coming at 10 for ________, but I'm going to be a bit late.
  4.4 I won't be able to make it before ____
  4.5. Thanks for letting us know.
  4.6 I'll pass on the message.
  注 : 打电话告之将迟到的三步曲
  第一、 告之对方自己是谁从哪里打来
  第二、 告之对方打电话的目的
  第三、 可能到达的时间
  遇到由于己方疏忽产生的错误时候的回应 :
  第一,承认错误 I'm very sorry, but that's a mistake.
  第二,诚挚道歉 I really am extremely sorry about this
  第三,提供解决方案 I'll tell you what I'll do 如不能及时答复可说 I'll be back to you in a few minutes. 或 Can I get back to you ....?
  第四,保证下不为例 I promise this won't happen again.



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