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商务交际高手 Lesson5:Computer Operations

来源:听力课堂 编辑:qihui   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Dialogue 1 Do you know how to install new software and hardware?

Do you know how to install new software and hardware?

Installing software is a breeze but installing hardware could be a pain.

Could you help to install windows 2K for me?

2K? Why don’t you choose windows XP?

Dialogue 2 Can you tell me how to attach a document to an email?

Can you tell me how to attach a document to an email?

Sure. That’s quite easy. Click on the attachment, browse for the document you want to attach and click OK.

What’s the meaning of browse?

Something like search.

Got it.

Dialogue 3 is chat allowed in the office?

Is chat allowed in the office?

Of course not. But we can use net meeting when we need to hold a conference.

Do we need a log-in ID for that?


The problem is I don’t have the least idea of how to use that.

Don’t worry. There is a compute guru by your side.

And that is you, right?

Dialogue 4 how was the virus transferred?

I was told that most of the computes in our department have been infected by a virus.

How was the virus transformed?

By an email titled good morning.

That is terrible.

I think you’d better run a virus scan and check if your computer was infected too.

I hope not, I have lots of important files on there.






