1.Who discovered that the cold has a part to play in weight loss?
a) people living in Siberia
b) people in cold countries
c) obese people
d) scientists
2.What did researchers find the cold increased levels of?
a) white fat
b) a protein
c) cold
d) colds
3.What does white fat do to excess energy?
a) nothing
b) burn it
c) turn it into brown fat
d) store it
4.What other thing besides air conditioning has decreased brown fat?
a) saunas
b) ice cream
c) heating
d) cold weather
5.Where do outdoor workers have more brown fat than indoor workers?
a) Patagonia
b) northern Canada
c) Siberia
d) Finland
6.In what kind of animals were the tests conducted?
a) monkeys
b) moose
c) mice
d) moles
7.How much less weight did the animals with the new protein gain?
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 60%
8.For whom might this research be good news?
a) fast food restaurant owners
b) pharmacists
c) obese people
d) website hosts
9.Who is Hei Sook Sul?
a) a test participant
b) head researcher
c) head of The Protein Society
d) a drug company CEO
10.What could you do even while eating the same amount of food?
a) lose weight
b) exercise
c) double your white fat
d) drink less