1. in need 贫困的;困难中的;
例句:We are collecting money for children in need.
我们在为贫困儿童募捐 。
2. in poverty 贫穷;贫困;
例句:The poor man in poverty sleeps on the floor at the doorway.
那个贫困的可怜人睡在门口的地板上 。
3. clear up 破案;案件了结;
例句:The mystery of the man's death has been cleared up.
此人神秘死亡的原因已被查清 。
4. close down (工厂、商店、学校等)永久性关闭;(使)停业;(使)倒闭;
例句:Many of the smaller stores have closed down.
很多规模稍小的店铺已经倒闭了 。
5. remove from 免除(职务);
例句:The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.
学生评议会投票免除了富勒的职位 。
6. transfer to (使)转移,移交;
例句:He also pledged not to run any more projects for personal profit and to transfer his property to the state.
他也承诺不再会为了个人利益运作任何项目,而且会把其名下物业移交给国家 。
n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物