1.Improvements in medical science and educational campaigns about preventing heart disease also played a part.
play a part 装腔骗人;扮演角色;在…中起一份作用
It is ingenuous to suppose that money did not play a part in his decision.
如果以为他的决定没有金钱的因素,那就太天真了 。
They played a part in the life of their community.
他们参与到了自己社区的生活中 。
2.Several of these reports went viral on the web.
go viral 像病毒般扩散;广泛流传
Public opinion increasingly translates into policy action in china, particularly when issues go viral online.
眼下在中国,舆论日渐转化为政策行动,特别是那些在网上广为传播的问题 。
Small businesses can also create a cause campaign that will go viral, but it doesn’t just happen overnight.
小型企业也能够开展获得病毒式传播的公益活动 。 不过这当然也不可能一蹴而就 。