1.What could smaller plates be an alternative to?
a) smaller shopping bags
b) bowls
c) fancy diets
d) calories
2.What do many of use to measure how much food we can eat?
a) our plate
b) weighing scales
c) a ruler
d) an iPad
3.Which university conducted the research?
a) Cambridge University
b) Yale University
c) Tokyo University
d) The University of Food
4.Who could reduce their calorie intake by up to 16%?
a) plate makers
b) British people
c) everyone
d) vegetarians
5.By how much could Americans see a reduction in their calorie intake?
a) 26%
b) 27%
c) 28%
d) 29%
6.What did 6,711 people take part in?
a) an eating contest
b) eating trials
c) a plate-making course
d) a fruit-only diet
7.Who is Gareth Hollands?
a) a researcher
b) a plate maker
c) an expert on nutrition
d) a famous vegetarian
8.Until when was there little research on plate size and eating amounts?
a) 1999
b) January
c) now
d) the 15th of last month
9.What might many people think is the reason for over-eating?
a) TV commercials
b) the brain
c) chocolate
d) a lack of self-control
10.Where else could people reduce plate size besides shops and the home?
a) restaurants
b) malls
c) bakeries
d) plate factories